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Long-winded Listy Post …and a story!

I have so many things to write about and they don’t tie together at all so I’m just going to have to do a big long rambling list of sorts. I should have just written six little posts but… I didn’t.

don't do this at home

  • Booster Seats!

    You guys give the best advice. Someone suggested a booster seat to curb my little dinnertime-escapee and you were right! This booster seat is just the thing. She loves it. (It’s green.) I love it! It’s rubber and broad so it sticks to the chair and doesn’t tip. It’s just high enough that she stays put and doesn’t jump up to run around at every whim but just low enough that she can climb up and down herself.

    I think that might be the only draw back, actually. She likes it so much, she climbs up into it all day long of her own accord. I’ll often walk into the room and find her sitting quietly at the table just doing her thing. Who knew! I’d rather she didn’t scale large dining room chairs while I’m not around but some things a mother can’t control. I can only hover so much.

    I did try pushing the chair all the way up to the table to stop these impromptu sitting sessions but that did not go over well at all. I guess a “big girl” needs to be able to sit when she wants to. Pity the mother who comes between a big girl and her big girl chair.

  • putting princess crowns on the birdies

  • Gel Gems!

    I swear I do not get a kick back from writing a review about all these things. It is purely a coincidence that this post is filled with several raving reviews. A reader (Hi Caroline!) sent us a package full of fun little things and I have to say these Gel Gems window cling thingies were quite a hit.

    the blue googlie bird is for Daddy

    They are definitely not meant for two-year-olds because they are practically begging to be eaten because they look like delicious little bits of Jello but they are loads of fun. I’m only letting Baby Bug play with them when I am right there with her because I know she will try to eat them like she eats every thing else she isn’t supposed to …plant leaves and cat food. When will she ever grow out of that!!

    So anyway, these are super fun. You can even play with them online and save yourself a trip to the store and from choking!

  • UPDATE: Don’t leave these on your windows in the sun! Yikes! A reader emailed me the following,

    “We had a disaster with those “gel gems” on my daughters window a couple of years ago and I thought about you and those brand new windows!! Anyway… on a really super, hot afternoon they melted!! They actually dripped down the window and caused this gloopy mess that windex would not even touch! It was awful!! I had to scrape it off with a razor blade which of course left little scratches in the glass and to this day it still has this icky film all over the window that I cannot for the life of me get off the glass.”

    Good to know!

  • A painting!


    Which one is the real one?

    Check it out!!! Is my friend Anna from borderline bonkers the most amazing artist or WHAT?!!! She blows me away. Look at that detail in the hair. Ever since I saw this painting on her art blog I knew she was going to make it big someday. So if you want to collect art from a budding artist, I suggest you head on over to her etsy shop and request a custom painting before it blows up. She’s amazing, not to mention she has two kids! How does she do it? I do not know.

    Baby Bug and her very special painting

    I am so honored to have this painting. Thank you, Anna.

  • my new bang-up hack-job hair-do*

  • Bang! Bang!

    Here’s something that is not a review: Check out my new bang-up hack-job hair-do! (those hyphens are for Bethany Actually, my personal editor, who LOVES hyphens.) I like them! (My bangs, not the hyphens though hyphens are fun too.) This picture is not the best but I’ve been sporting these new bangs for two days now and they make me very very happy.

    You know how rare it is for me to catch myself in a random reflection of a mirror or window and actually like what I see looking back at me? Rare. Lately, it’s been NEVER. But with these bangs? Not rare at all! I’ve been surprising myself all day long. Who is that pretty girl with the bangs? Oh! It’s me!

    I’m so happy! They’ve been putting a spring in my step all day long. I may not even have to go get them professionally corrected which was my evil plan all along.

  • mermaid invite

  • The Mermaid cards are for sale!

    Which leads me to that party-planning post idea. It is still perking. Groan! I STILL have not found the perfect name or figured out the best way to make it happen but it’s going to happen. I didn’t realize there would be so much interest. I’m really going to have to call on reader’s suggestions too because frankly, the demand for great party ideas kind of intimidates me! So put your party hats on folks! We’re gonna have some fun!

  • And now a story…

    balloons are the BEST!

    I ran out of pre-wash stain spray today and had to buy it on my way to the laundromat. No big deal except my laundry days are planned out to the minute. I can’t sort and spray my dirty clothes when I’m at the laundromat because keeping a toddler occupied in a dirty room full of strangers and open exits that she can just run out into traffic from is just a nightmare. It’s bad enough that she refuses to sit in the stroller any more and likes to run around licking things.

    I was a little bit worried that today was going to be a disaster since I didn’t get to do my sorting and spraying in the comfort of my home. How could I occupy Baby Bug while I tended to the tedious?

    We had an old balloon in the car that I had forgotten about. We got it for free at the bank. Well, Baby Bug brought that balloon into the laundromat and that was the best toy ever. It kept her occupied the entire time and the peels of laughter rang all over the laundromat. I think I did the world of service because you should have seen how she cheered up that dingy crowd. Even the most curmudgeon old man washing his scary looking yellow briefs had to crack a smile. It was great.

    catch Mommy!

    Then a man came in with no shirt. I guess Baby Bug hasn’t seen very many men without shirts on because his shirtless-ness immediately absorbed all of her attention.

    “Look Mommy,” she says. “There is a naked man in the laundromat!” Thankfully she says this just loud enough that I can hear but nobody else can.

    “Yes,” I answer trying to make an awkward situation seem like the most natural thing in the world. “It’s okay for boys not to wear their shirts. That’s what they do.”

    Apparently, my explanation was not satisfactory because she repeats her statement again but this time louder. A woman next to us starts cracking up. Now I’m starting to worry because the man probably has heard her and I have no idea what he is going to say.

    It kind of reminds me of the time my cousin called an African American man “Blackie” to his face in the grocery store. It was a perfectly innocent thing to say since that was the name of her cat at the time and this man was quite dark like her cat but… you know how these situations are. They can go bad really quickly depending on how the adults react to them.

    So I explain to Baby Bug again that sometimes boys don’t wear shirts. By this time she’s running around saying “Naked Man! Naked Man!” and I want to crawl under the nearest bolted-down industrial front loader. Thankfully, the man turns out to be a funny guy and he explains carefully to her that he usually does wear a shirt but it’s laundry day and all his shirts are dirty. Now why didn’t I think of that explanation?

    Phew! I think I’m done.

  • p.s. As of 11:12 p.m. this post has not been edited by my hyphen-loving professional editor. So blame all errors on me.


    • Red Lotus Mama

      1. Love the booster seat!
      2. Need to get Little ‘Ny some of those gem gels. They look like so much fun … she doesn’t like jello, but Hubs might try to eat them!
      3. What a wonderful painting …. she is amazing!
      4. Bangs look fabulous. You did a “bang up” job cutting them yourself. (hee hee)
      5. How about “The Super Party Planner” (ala The Super Nanny) or “Parties by SAJ” or “Party Decoration Diva”
      6. Hilarious story! Kids are so innocent that they say the funniest things. I was reading “Polite as a Princess” to Little ‘Ny and there is a picture of a heavy set merman. She points to him and says “Look Mommy, BOOBIES!” Let’s hope she doesn’t do that when we go to the beach.

    • mereteveian

      Loved the booster seat when my kids were small. Now new little ones in the family uses it. But my sister has also a refoldable booster seat, keeps it in the car all the time, so when out of the house, her little girl has a seat with her. Maybe you can get one for baby-bug, too? Do not know where you’ll get it, though.
      By the way, – love your writing and been a lurker since a year or so before babybug… Happy weekend to you!

    • Aladyinredpolish


      Laughed so much at the Naked Man story. She is so cute.

    • Jummy

      I’m very impressed you cut your own bangs! They are beautifully sideswept! I do believe whoorl would approve!

      And that painting is AMAZING! The detail on the hair caught my eye immediately.

      That’s so awesome that Naked man wasn’t a crank and was able to explain things so well to Baby Bug.

    • Gingermog

      Beautiful Painting. I am glad you are feeling happy and what a lovely Launderette story I can really pictures your happy little girl cheering everyone up. Magic. We haven’t had a launderette story for a while maybe you have your own washer/dryer these days? I love Launderettes, perfect place to people watch and in London they are often formica clad homages to the 70’s so using one is like stepping back in time.

      Those gel thingys are for sale over here too and I agree they look like big sweeties. They are easy to get off windows but not off walls. The wee boy who used to live in this appartment before me stuck his on the closet doors, so I have squidgy patterns of red airplanes on my wardrobe doors. One day I will paint over them but not yet. He also left me lot’s of drawings at toddler height to enjoy :)

    • moo

      She is so gorgeous … I can’t believe how BIG she’s getting!

      Am off to check out the linky goodness!

    • SleepyNita

      we have been using a booster style seat since the Dictator was one, he hated the high chair. You are so right though, a few times a day I will just find the Dictator sitting at the table doing his own thing.

      How does Anna find the time to do these paintings? I swear she doesn’t sleep.

    • range

      Naked man in the laundromat, now that’s not something unusual. Here, it’s still 10 degrees, so no t-shirts yet.

    • Janna Morgan

      The laundry mat story is priceless! So funny! I laughed outloud.

      The custom portrait of BB is AWESOME! So great! You know how some potraits can look a little, well, not like their subjects? Well, this one is spot on! Your friend did a great job!

      Can she do pets? We have been thinking of having a portrait made of our Aussie (Australian Shepherd). With bright colors and slightly reminisce of a Wharhol. Thoughts?

    • bethany v

      gotta love those naked man comments … i NEVER manage to think up a good answer in time and end up shushing them which makes it worse. glad he was funny!
      been toying with bangs, er, the idea of them, for a couple months now, yours are gorgeous and i just might take the plunge after my race tomorrow so I’m not flicking them out of my eyes for hours :). so glad you feel pretty, you ARE, and feeling it makes everything glow doesn’t it? happy spring :)

    • Annabanana

      Aww B! You are so welcome!

      That laundromat story….that would so totally be Kaitlyn! I can just imagine when theses two little girls finally meet! Too funny!
      Bangs-they look so fantastic!

    • ginger

      “Naked man! Naked man!” Reminds me of last weekend, when my best friend and I took the Doodle shopping with us, and she ran around the store shouting, “Nudie pants!” while flashing random pairs of pants off the racks. “Nudie pants! Nudie pants! Nudie shirt!” No idea, really, what that was all about, but she thought it HILARIOUS!

    • BeachMama

      I love your long winded post. Very cute booster seat, if we use one this time, I will look for a nice one like yours. We use a clip onto the table chair and J went straight from that to a regular chair. We will have to see what Apple does for us.

      Those Gel Gems are awesome. We have a few sets now that we decorate the front door window with them.

      And Anna’s painting of BB is just wonderful. I too love how she captures the sunlight in her hair. Just amazing talent.

      You look great with your bangs, keep them.

      The invites are fabulous. I am thinking about them… Apple’s first birthday is in September, so I will have to see what else mermaid I can think of before I decide.

      And the laundromat story is hilarious. Can I say that I have never seen such a clean laundromat before?? Way back when I had to use a laundromat I never got to use one so beautiful. And the guy with no shirt, really, he had no clean ones?? Did he have a nice physique? I think he just likes walking around with no shirt :).

    • Britt

      I loved the naked man story, and I am relived to hear that it is not just my children that go around licking things:)

    • Someone Being Me

      Wow, I thought my last post had a lot of points but I think you have me beat. I love the hair. I wish I had bangs. My hairstylist says I don’t have the face for them. *Sigh*

    • barnmouse

      When I was 5, my mom and I were in the line at Hardee’s (local fast food place) and there was a big biker-type guy in front of us with really long hair. Apparently, I hadn’t seen many men with long hair, so I asked my mom (probably a little too loud) “MOMMY, IS THAT A BOY OR A GIRL?” and even possibly pointed. Luckily, he was a nice guy too and we were run over by a Harley in the parking lot! :P

    • Kami

      Anna is amazing, I have the privlege of knowing her in real life too! I can’t get over how she captured your little BB:-)

    • Karen

      Great stories and be prepared for innocent but embarassing comments for a long, long time! Next time you go to do the laundry, bring a little spray bottle with water in it for her to help you spray the clothes. My daughter loved helping me with the “stains” this way. I just let her squirt whatever she wanted and it kept her happy.

      I love the invites – wish my daughter was young enough to use them!