BIG news,  do me a favor,  illos,  travel

two things


My car got broken into Saturday night. It happened while we were at home eating dinner not more than ten feet above where my car was parked. Our apartment is on the second story and we park our car below. Our windows were open, we should have heard someone or something. But it was Saturday night and we were having fun. We were not paying attention to the car below or what might be going on in the alley.

So it’s my own stupid fault for not locking my car. I’ve gotten out of the habit since I got the new car that has automatic everything. My old car had a locking system that I manually flipped as I closed the door. I was a fanatic about locking my car. Not any more. With the new car you just push a button on your keys and it beeps and locks. For some reason this is too hard for an idiot like me.

I’m always struggling to get Baby Bug out of her car seat and I throw my keys into the black hole that is my purse and next thing you know I’m upstairs and I’ve completely forgotten about it. We don’t usually keep much in the car and we have low jack so I’ve never really worried about it much. We also don’t live in the inner city or anywhere where cars get broken into often.

I’ve been thinking I need to get into the habit of locking my car but I just never got around to it. So now I’m getting around to it and I AM SORRY.

You know what the thief stole? My super expensive designer diaper bag that was a gift from one of Toby’s clients. I didn’t use it much. I kept it in the car because it was fancy and dry clean only but it was also a handy place to store a stash of extra diapers. It just stayed in the car and looked pretty. Not any more.

They also stole my big tub of wipes. Who steals a tub of wipes?!!! Either the thief has a kid or they like to keep their hands clean with wipes or something. Ugh. It just makes me mad.

There are some neighborhood boys that wander down our alley from time to time. Maybe five or six of them between the ages of twelve to seventeen. They wear their hair in their eyes and skinny pegged jeans. They’re too cool for school if you know what I mean.

We’re not especially friendly with them but sometimes we make eye contact. I try to smile because secretly they intimidate me and I don’t want them to know that. Once I asked them to leave because they were making noise hanging out downstairs and I was trying to get Baby Bug to take a nap.

Naturally, my small mind imagines that it’s one of those boys that broke into my car. It probably wasn’t but I just keep imagining one of them presenting their knocked-up girlfriend with my fancy red Chinese silk diaper bag filled with diapers and baby medicine and other handy supplies. How thoughtful she’ll think. How did you know I needed a baby thermometer? And what’s this? A stick of used roll on deodorant? I’m hoping she gets suspicious and knocks her loser boyfriend over the head.

But what really breaks my heart is that they stole a handmade quilt. This one. My Aunt made it. It’s really special because it’s red (my favorite color) and it has two different fabrics with two different textures because my Aunt is tricky and fun like that and she knows babies like to feel different textures. It’s also fuzzy on the other side. I don’t think it’s replaceable.

I kept it in my car so I would always remember to take it to the sticks with me so she would know how much we loved it. It was great for spreading on the floor at meeting (church). It just kills me that I didn’t think about someone taking it. Who takes a quilt?

I’m sure my Aunt (or even myself) could make another one (though she’s sworn off quilts for a while) but I don’t want her to. There is no replacement for that quilt. It was special. It was one of the first things my family gave me after I had been gone from them so long. (long story not to be gone into here)

So that’s where I’m at. Just blankety-blank-blank mad at myself.

hula girl

In other news we are going to Hawaii on Thursday. Can you believe it? I can’t either. How did this sneak up on me? I’ve never been to Hawaii. I should be excited right out of my skin. Remember Paris? Remember how I built up to it for nearly a year? I guess I’m a mom now and I just live day to day.

I hate to say this but I really love where we live. We go to the beach nearly every day. I know everyone says Hawaii is beautiful and I’ve seen the pictures… but what do they have that we don’t have here? I think I’m just being stupid. I’ll probably love Hawaii so much I’ll never want to come home.

I think what’s bothering me is that I’m secretly scared that I’m going to miss my daily check-ins with the internet. Toby says the wifi in the hotel is sketchy and you have to take your laptop to some weird corner on the top story to even just get one lousy bar of connection. I’m dreading that. How am I going to blog?!!!! How am I going upload my zillions of flickr pictures if the connection is slower than dial up!

I need to stop worrying about that and think about HAWAII!!!!

I’ve never been to Hawaii and I’ve always wanted to go. I even have family over there but I don’t think we’ll be visiting them since we will be stuck on Kona where Toby is shooting a house for his work. We’ll be stuck in the hotel a lot but from the photos on their website it looks like a pretty nice place to be stuck. Maybe I’ll even have time to teach Baby Bug how to swim in the hotel pool. I’ll have plenty of time since I’ll be going through internet withdrawals. And then there’s the black sand beaches and the Kona coffee fields and maybe a tour to visit a volcano or something.

It’s going to be a lot of fun for us. But what I really need is some input from you. We are going to Kona on the big island. Has anyone been there? Can you recommend anything besides scuba diving or surfing? Can you help me get excited?


  • MissyE

    Usually just a reader, but had to comment!!
    I’ve been to Kona!!!! My dad runs a hotel a couple months out of the year (what a job huh?) The Kona Tiki. It is a cute little hotel on the beach. I went snorkelling and we kayaked across kealakekua bay, which was fun. Probably hard with baby. so maybe another time. It is so relaxing, nothing like going into stores and the workers are laying on a couch watching tv, or signs that say “out surfing” U are going to have sooooo much fun.

  • MissyE

    Just saw that you wanted ideas of things other than kayaking and snorkeling, woops!! Make sure you check out the hiking, and the hilton has an amazing pool private beach and you can watch people swimming with the dolphins. We weren’t even staying there!! Oh and the famers markets are great!! Ok enough of my rambling!! :) Can you tell I loved it there??

  • jaqui

    You and BB should swim with dolphins! My brother and I did that when we were little and I will never, ever forget it. It was such a neat experience! There are also a lot of little lagoons and tide pools you can adventure in. You’ll have a wonderful time.

  • Tamara

    Have a great trip! You will enjoy it, I am sure, once you get there. Back to the car break-ins–ours was clubbed several months ago. What did they get? My grocery list!!! A year or so ago our son and his wife had the car packed and ready to go because their third child was due. They lost the leather bag that had been a special gift. They dumped the coming home from the hospital outfit and stuff like that in order to use the bag to take whatever they could from the garage. Yep, the car was in their closed garage! How brazen is that?

  • Sarah

    yay for hawaii!!! Also I had my beach cruiser stolen recently and all I can think is “who steels a girls bike??!?!?!!” So I am right there with ya!

  • Ta

    I recommend the UFO parasailing. Great way to see the area and kinda like a rollar coaster at the same time.

  • glamgranola

    I can help you get excited! A week of no dishes, no making beds, no cleaning up! Weeee. It doesn’t get much better than that! A break from the everyday SAHM duties! You’ll have a great time.

    PS- Love you blog, I’ve been reading it forever!

  • ninabi

    You know, sometimes unique items that have been stolen have a way of finding their way home again. We have a birdbath in our yard that I love- a lot of memories attached to it and I just love the smooth purple-red stone. Even there was a chip in it.

    And one day it was gone. Who would lift such a thing? They had to come in a courtyard and it was heavy.

    A few months later, my husband and I were taking a walk and we stopped and chatted with a neighbor. I stopped talking. There- there was…sputter!…my birdbath! We asked the neighbor about it and he swore up and down that his wife had gotten it from where she worked as an asst decorator. And….it had A CHIP.

    Oooh. I was so mad. The man had done some work in our yard. He must have stolen it then. Later he brought it back with the excuse that his teen son was told by our teen son that it was okay to take it home. Right….

    I know on your walks you will be looking. At the beach, you might see a red quilt on the sand. Maybe. Hopefully. And you have proof with pictures that it is yours.

    Here’s to hoping that the quilt comes back to you. And that you have a wonderful, beautiful time in Hawaii!

  • K

    That’s awful about your quilt. My car was broken into when I was in high school and they stole my prom dress. I’d just picked it up from the dry cleaners, prom season was over… what do you do with a used prom dress?

  • margalit

    My car was broken into when it was parked in my garage. With the door shut. They broke the front window on the car, and stole the faceplate to my stereo. But it was about 2 weeks before the twins were born and both car seats were covered with broken glass, and had to be replaced. Fortunately my insurance covered the car seat, but can you even imagine being hugely pregnant with twins and having to spend a full freaking day vacuuming out the glass shards from your car. I was SOOOO pissed off.

    I can’t believe you’re going to Hawaii. That is one lucky little BabyBug. She’s going to have so much fun with a pool and the beaches. It’s a dream come true for a big girl like Bug. Looking at those pictures of her lying on that quilt, I forgot how bald she was. And look at her now, all big and walking and talking. She’s a miracle, that one!

  • Lori

    When I look at the list of things taken, all I can think of is “homeless person”. If I were homeless, I could totally put a bag, a blanket, and a tub of wipes to good use. If I were the one from whom the things were stolen, I’d be standing in my driveway shouting, “I’ll GIVE YOU A DAMN BLANKET! I have TONS of blankets! Just give me back my irreplaceable quilt!”

    Re: Hawaii, I’ve never been to Kona, but I can speak for Oahu and Maui when I say that Hawaii is one of those places that no matter how much hype you’ve heard, it’s better. Maui is much more developed now than it was the first time I went, but there’s still an amazing spirit of Aloha and just… I don’t know how to describe it, exactly, but it’s a special place. You and Baby Bug will love it, no matter how nice home is.

  • Kuky

    Oh how awful! I’ve had my car broken into but nothing was stolen. Oh wait that was a different car. I forgot. One of our first cars was broken into. They stole everything inside the car then they striped it. :( It’s so terrible. I hope your quilt does come back to you.

    And Hawaii?! How exciting! We’re on vacation this week. We’ll come join you!!

    No just kidding. I’m not a stalker. I swear. :) We are on vacation this week but plan on doing things around town.

  • Elizabeth

    That is so sucky about your car being broken in to! Well, sort of broken into. It’s like people are just stealing now because they CAN, not because they want something that’s in your car. I left my car unlocked a while ago and someone literally walked through the front seats, leaving muddy footprints on the seat and armrests. Jerk@**! And I don’t think they took anything! (Though I can no longer find my vannessa carlton CD, so maybe that’s what they were after?)

    Anyhow! Have a fabulous time in Hawaii. My husband swears he and his brother had a fabulous time long-boarding down the hills.

  • Clownfish

    My wife took some wedding silver down to her moms to polish it. When she got back, she forgot to take it in. The goods were visible through the hatchback window – broken glass – and no more silver. Similar to the quilt – special things, from special people that just can’t be replaced. But I had to laugh at the wipes (sorry). The illustration of your thief, clutching the wipes, is brilliant.

    Have a great time in Kona! It may be too cliché for some but the fresh pineapple is just awesome! We’ve been to Maui (of course the Clownfish dove). We look forward to your Kona review. – Aloha!

  • Becky

    We’ve been to Kawaii on our honeymoon! I loved it and want to go back someday. We went snorkeling and took a helicopter tour of the water falls. It was awesome!

  • jailgy

    There is a fabulous orchid store/farm not far from Hilo on the other side of the island. It is well worth a visit. It’s in Volcano, HI, which is very near the active volcano that you also must see. Their shipping is great and they time it so your plants don’t arrive home before you do. I’m sure they have “goreen” orchids, too.

    Don’t feel bad about the quilt, my baby quilts are not made to last long anyway and you got over two years use out of it.

  • Carrie

    Well that just sucks! Who steals baby supplies? I’m so sorry they took your quilt. As a quilter, I feel just sick reading that. Unfortuently stealing quilts is so common there is a website listing for it! You might put your pictures up here and see if someone, somewhere will eventually get it back to you. Worth a shot.

    No idea about Hawaii.

  • BeachMama

    I am so bummed about your diaper bag and your quilt. But, to me it really sounds to me like someone who needed some baby stuff saw the opportunity and took it. You could kick yourself around the block for days, but it won’t get your stuff back. I know I have had my car broken into a few times (when I lived in Winnipeg).

    As for Hawaii!! Oh man, if you need help to get excited, just check out my flickr photos with the snow, that should help. And Kona? Load up on some of their awesome coffee. I know you already live in paradise, but this will be a little bit different and I bet you will find a way to blog, even if it means preparing your post then running up to the far corner to send it out to the world. If all else fails, send me your ticket ;).

  • Allisone

    Okay, so from Kona take a right on “the” Hwy (yes this will make sense to you once you are there) and head down to captian cook. There is a coffee plantation called Greenwell Farms. They do free tours and have the BEST coffee. Sample until your heart is content. I reccomend the private reserve and the peaberry.
    Also, the place of refuge is not to be missed – and it is close to the coffee plantation.
    Just drop me an email if you need more info!.

    If you’ll have more time to run around – I highly recommend the “Big Island Revealed” book.

    SAJ says: I’m taking notes! Thank you!

  • andrea

    The car thing sucks! Ours has been “broken into” or left unlocked in our driveway more than once and usually they just riffled around the cd’s and once got an iPod but last year they took my diaper bag. Really you wanted a bag filled with dirty clothes, bottles and a host of infant medication? I was (an apparently still am) so peeved. Take my stuff, I deserve it for leaving it unlocked, but why take some worthless baby crap, other than just to be a jerk!

    Oh a much brighter note, enjoy Hawaii and even more so, enjoy your mandated break from the computer. I did a 4 day break in December and it was fabulous!

    SAJ says: I don’t want to complain since I’ll be in “paradise” but it’s going to be TEN days without dependable wifi. Yikes! I might end up giving up the internet all together and get a real life or something. Naaaaaaah. That would never happen.

  • range

    Hawaii? Time to party and have fun. Plug off the internet and enjoy the sun. Speaking from a place where we got 450cm of snow this winter.

    SAJ says: I’ll try to blow some warm air to you. You know like a butterfly sneezing?

  • Lexi

    Sometimes people just suck.

    SAJ says: They do. I had some photos of Bug in my car too and they obviously rifled through them as they were scattered all over my seat. How could someone look at my cute baby and then STEAL her blanket. That’s just cold-hearted suckiness.

  • Wendy Mac

    We went to Kona in 2003 and had a fabulous time! I haven’t read what everyone else has written above, but the Big Island is my favorite of all the Hawaiian Islands. If you have a rental car, definitely go to the “rainy side” of the island and see Hilo, rainforests, waterfalls, and keep on travelling until you get to the volcano. It’s worth the drive!

    Around Kona there is at least one luau and I remember having a great time there, I just can’t remember the name of the Hotel that hosted it.

    Also, our hotel, the Hilton Waikoloa, not only had swimming with dolphins, but you could swim with Giant Sea Turtles!

    How cool is that!

    SAJ says: Dolphins! Sea Turltes! Yes! Yes! We’re all about Finding Nemo and his friends.

    I can’t wait to see your photos, have a fabulous time!

  • Michelle

    B. – I’m embarrassed to write this, but maybe it might give you a good laugh…First though, I’m sorry that happened to you with your car :o( But when I saw the illo, I thought, “Why is Toby carrying a red diaper bag and OMG he got his hair cut…and why does he have a blankie and wipes?” I thought the post was going to be about his coming home, and your illo was of him just getting in or something!!!! Oy. Seriously.

    Hey…Have a GREAT time on your trip!

    SAJ says: ha hah. maybe it’s subliminal. Toby doesn’t wear peg-legged pants anymore but he used to. He was all about the skinny jeans and black eye-liner in the 80’s. Not that I knew him then but I’ve heard stories.

  • Grenda

    Sorry about the break in but the thief graphic is fantastic!! Have a great trip! We’ll miss you in blogland.

    SAJ says: I’ll find a way to check in!

  • All Adither

    The Big Island is super cool. I went there when i was pregnant with my first kid (about 5 years ago). Snorkeling is great. Honestly, that’s my favorite thing to do. We toured a coffee plantation, which is pretty cool. But then, i’m a coffee whore. The black sand beach was interesting. Definitely do go to the volcano. I don’t know about Baby Bug getting down by the sulphury place where it is active (is it still doing that anymore?), but it’s quite a site in the evening.

    Hawaii is so cool you won’t care much about the internet. Seriously, Hawaii is magical.

    Make sure to get some Malasadas (Portugese sweet bread) if you can find them. There’s an awesome place way out in the sticks. I think called One Kine Malasadas. But I could not tell you how to get there. It was somewhere between the volcano and black sand beach.

    Have fun!!!!!

    SAJ says: it must be something. I can’t imagine not missing the internet. I’m taking notes with me… Malasadas!

  • Photographer Lori

    You must must must go see the volcano! It’s so weird and HUGE! It’s like the Grand Canyon! It feels like you’re on Mars or something. I always thought of a volcano as a big mountain with a hole in the top, but it’s so different.

    We spent most of our time on Oahu.

    :) LORI

  • Susan

    Thieves suck. BUT in my mind I try to imagine that it was someone who realllllly needed the diapers or something. Ugh still sucks.
    Hawaii? Oh my gracious! A friend of mine just returned and I think his favorite thing ever was the Luau they went to and learning to dance the actual hula dance. They had a blast and I am sure you will to. I can’t wait to hear about the trip and the pictures! Hope there is a neat cafe with wifi nearby.

    SAJ says: That’s what I’m hoping. Toby doesn’t have the wifi radar that I have. You know me, I’ll find a way.

  • red lotus mama

    I am so sorry to hear about the break in. It sucks to feel violated like that.

    On an exciting note … THE BIG ISLAND! You are going to have an incredible time. We go to Hawaii every year for two weeks. We went to the Big Island for our 2 year anniversary. It is a wonderful island! Here is a link to the photos I took while we were there: The first half of the photos are Maui. The Big Island photos start with “November 5: Kona Airport, The Big Island.” Favorite memories: horse back riding in Waipi’o Valley, Punalu’u Black Sand Beach Park, and snorkling at Pu’uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (I was actually preggers with Little ‘Ny, but didn’t know it!) Have a wonderful time … ALOHA!

    SAJ says: I can’t get into your link but I remember them from when I was spying on you for your banner. I wish you could be my personal tour guide!

  • Annabanana

    I want to go with you, I need a break.
    A blog break, apparently I stick my feet in my mouth, managed to boil blood with yesterdays post.
    Please take me with you!

    The whole car break in thing, that blows!!!

    SAJ says: I went over and read the blood boiling post. Yikes! You’ve got some crazy commenters over there. You can come hide her anytime you want.

  • Kathryn S

    I’ve only been to Hawaii once when I was six and I still remember how beautiful it was. The weather is PERFECT especially at night. Not too warm, not humid, a nice breeze, ahhhh! You will love it! It’s paradise.

  • Michelle

    That really stinks about your car!! I’m sorry :( My friends car got broken into and they unwrapped a baby shower gift but decided not to take it. I wish they had done that for your stuff. So sad about the quilt….and the deodorant…J/K! I hope you have a fantabulous time in Hawaii! Relax, girl!

    SAJ says: I know! Used deodorant: EW!

  • K

    Seriously…wipes and a diaper bag?? Who knows maybe there is a bandit in your area… Sorry that it happened and about the quilt. That’s really sad!

    Hope you have a wonderful trip to the island. I’m super jealous!! :)

  • Uncle George

    Ruddy thieves! Aloha, and have a great time in Hawaii!

    SAJ says: Thanks Uncle George! We’ll bring you back a grass skirt! I know you always wanted one. Hee hee.

  • Annabanana

    Oh, and your illios, drool, they are so fantastic.
    Was reading through your last few posts to catch up, you sure have been busy!
    The paintings you did are awesome, I love it!

    SAJ says: Coming from you, Ms. Awesome Painter, I take that as a high compliment. Thank you!

  • Photographer Lori

    Wanted to add…you need to report the break in, if you haven’t already. That why you can get it back if they find it and you can get reimbursed from your renters/homeowners insurance. (and check your policy for car insurance…sometimes they include break ins…

    SAJ says: I actually did call the police. Wasn’t going to but when I did they told me it was a good thing I did. Apparently there have a “rash” of these break-ins in the last two weeks and they are hoping to catch the thief. I did check with my insurance and my deductible is $500 so I’m upside down on this one. It’s okay. I actually have another diaper bag that I bought when I was pregnant that was never able to use. So I pulled it out of the closet and put it to good use. I miss my old pretty bag but I love this one too.

  • Kathleen

    SOOO sorry about the quilt. That makes me furious. You might want to check consignment stores and/or craigs list, in case the person is stupid enough to try to resell.
    But I LOVE the Big Island, and here are some thoughts:
    — The Beach at the Hapuna Prince is fabulous. All beaches in Hawaii are public, so help yourself!
    — There is a place called the Place of Refuge with cool old Hawaiin statutes, etc. A nice place to let BB run around. It is close to Kona.
    — The best time to visit the Volcano is at night (probably not best for BB!) because it is easiest to see the lava flows. There are also a lot of nice hikes in Volcano Park. It is a drive from Kona though.
    — If you are Costco members, there is a Costco off the main strip north of Kona — get your gas there, and you can also get lots of boxes of chocolate covered mac nuts to bring to all your friends.
    — There is a beautiful Botanical garden north of Hilo. If you go, there is an awesome smoothie shack nearby. Another nice place to let BB walk around. In the same area, there is also a short hike to view 2 big waterfalls — can’t remember the name.
    — There is a good book called something like Hawaii, The Big Island Revealed (or maybe Uncovered?) — it’s written by natives and details the cheap eat places, and also the good hidden hikes and walks, best beaches, etc.
    — There is a drop-dead gorgeous valley called something like Waimea in the northeast corner of the Island. The only way to get in is to hike or take these crazy 4×4 vans (which is what we did). We then rode horses — not sure how do-able that would be with BB . . .
    — In the northwest corner of the Island, you can do something called Flumin’ Da Ditch, which is a very calm kayak ride down the old sugar plantation irrigation ditches. Not positive, but I bet that would be okay for a 2 year old. It’s basically floating down a little stream, and they tell you about the plants, history, etc.
    But the best part about Hawaii is just that everyone is super-relaxed and in a pretty good mood — so just enjoy it! And eat lots of fruit (yum).

    SAJ says: Wow! Thank you! This is great! I’m starting to get excited now. Flumin’ Da Ditch!! That sounds like FUN!

  • reddirtroad

    Hey SAJ, that is just crappy about the theft. Who does that? I’ve never been to Hawaii so I have no advice, other than to tell you that even though you may miss your blog, you probably won’t be all upset over it and ruin your vacay because you can’t check in with us dorks. Hope you have a fantastic time!!!

  • Ashlee

    I think that when you get back, keep your eye out of nannies, and for weekly or daily housekeepers. I live in HB and I have been to the area around where you live alot, I dont know exactly where your home is, but I know little Corona..etc. Anyway, there are alot of people who use daily to weekly housekeepers and who knows, maybe one has been watching you and watching when you lock your doors. People are desperate sometimes and it sounds like this person for sure has a baby. I mean who would steal a box of wipes that have had someone else hands and sometimes dirty particles from changing a baby in them unless they really needed one. I really do not think that it was the boys. They wouldnt know what to do with the stuff… honest. GOodluck, and Im sorry for the loss of your blanket, BB was so young when you got it too. Have fun on your trip and dont think about it.

  • Kristin

    Stealing that blanket breaks my heart. The diaper bag was lovely… gosh. I’d be swearing mad too. (I can totally relate to your description of getting BB out of the car, throwing keys somewhere…)

  • mvcc

    Sorry to hear about your break-in. :(

    Have a great time in Hawaii! Just a couple of notes:
    1) The last I heard, Flumin the Ditch was closed after an earthquake
    and never re-opened. Bummer.
    2) I went to Kona over 10 years ago. At the time, there was a hotel that had a deck that let you look out onto the shore. You could see these HUGE manta rays. It was waaaay cool. Don’t know if this is the one: Mauna Kea Beach Hotel.
    3) Theft: Don’t want you to have to go through another break-in. When you go hunting for wi-fi, please remember to keep your laptop in the trunk, etc. etc. Beware of break-ins at touristy spots.

    Sorry to end on a downer note! Have a great time in Hawaii!

  • :: jozjozjoz ::

    My car was broken into a week or two ago while it was parked on the street in front of our place. And they rifled through the glove box but didn’t take anything.

    They shattered the glass and made a total mess but didn’t take anything!

    I’m sorry your car got broken into and they took stuff that was irreplaceable.

    Have a great time in Hawaii!!

  • Johanna I.

    I’ve been a lurker on your blog for awhile and had to leave a note. I agree with the other commenter that said Hawaii will be better than you ever could have imagined. I’ve been 3 times; in fact, my husband and I were married there last June. Everyone in my family is pretty much “Hawaiian at heart.” I have never been to The Big Island but would love to visit. If you are still there at Easter, check out the Merrie Monarch Festival in Hilo. It is not to be missed. Merrie Monarch is like the Olympics of hula. The main competition events are held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in the evening, but there are so many other activities, including a parade and exhibition, and most are free. Check it out at And ask any local and I’m sure they’ll be able to clue you in. It would be such a great way to really experience authentic Hawaiian culture. I hope you have a fabulous time and I’ll be looking forward to living vicariously through your pictures!

  • Nicole I

    Have a wonderful vacation…enjoy stepping away from the regular routine…maybe even get inspired (not that you need to)…learn something new…try a new food…relax and enjoy Bug (and Toby of course!)