• Bad Mom,  Bug,  domesticity,  place holder posts,  the laundry

    a quick check-in

    not posed at all

    I think this photo tells a better story than what I can come up with now that it is midnight and I am turning into a pumpkin. I am SO tired! I cleaned all day from top to bottom. I cleaned EVERYTHING!!!! The house will be in tip top shape when Toby gets home on Tuesday.


    I also did some jumping on the bed. You know, to get the dust out or something spring cleaning-ish like that. I thought it would be super cool to take a picture of my feet while I was jumping and then like an idiot I jumped too close to the edge and toppled over the footboard and caught myself on the closet like a pelican face-planting into a window. So graceful. Then to add to my humility, Baby Bug started singing “No more monkeys jumping on the bed.”

    So I’m a bit sore. Sore and tired. I’d love to blog about my car getting broken into and the super fun beach time and tea party I had with my nieces but I need to turn in so I can turn back into a princess tomorrow morning. This pumpkin business is not very becoming.

  • Bug,  Family Matters

    How to have more fun: Add cousins!

    SuperChic thinks Baby Bug's kitchen is pretty cool

    Guess where the money went from selling Mandolin Girl? To CC so she could put some gas in her car and bring her kids out to visit me and Bug! Unfortunately things are really tight for them right now and driving an hour-and-a-half to visit family falls into the “luxury” category. And that is why pal pal was invented so I can instantly wire money to my family! So THANK YOU pay pal and Collin for buying my painting! Sigh…Art: it brings a family together.

    smiling for me

    We’ve got all kinds of fun things planned. First up was sugar cookies. Baby Bug and I have been talking about how much more fun it would be to make cookies with Rapunzel and SuperChic. “That would be better,” she always says. I think that’s my favorite phrase of hers these days. She says it all the time.

    all for one

    It was better. This is one time when more cooks in the kitchen (or in this case the dining room) is way better… in a fun messy flour-everywhere sort of way.
    Sheesh, that seems to be a theme around here these days. Mess=fun? I promise I’m not trying to push this, it’s just a coincidence. When Toby gets back I’m totally going to be neat and clean again.

    meanwhile on the couch...

    But until then let’s PARTY!!!

    p.s. photos from the decorating mayhem coming soon to CC’s blog.