Bug,  crazy stuff,  Tis the Season,  travel

I’m still Heeeeeeere!

Day 6: I'm still here!

I know I said I was going to Hawaii on Thursday but I was wrong. We’re leaving tomorrow morning. (Which is Friday, which is only a few hours from when I am typing this. Eeek!) I don’t know what’s wrong with my calendar-reading skills. I guess I can’t be bothered since every day is the same when you’re a mom. Oh it’s Saturday? I didn’t know. It feels like Monday to me. Or something like that. Whatever. We’re leaving on FRIDAY at the crack o’ dawn. Maybe I’ll see Whoorl at the airport.

We had some time to kill

Since I suddenly had a whole extra day to kill I decided to not pack and get ready but instead dye Easter Eggs! Yay! Fun! Yeah! It’s going to be so great to have dyed green fingers on the plane tomorrow. Everybody’s going to think I stole some counterfeit money or tried to pry off one of those protective devices that they stick on clothing. Do they do that anymore with ink? Probably not. Oh well.

we tried some string

Anyway, my hands are green. My fingers are. I went to the restaurant next door to us and asked for some latex gloves and the guy was kind enough to give me some for free but then I forgot to put them on. Dur. Partly because I knew they would be too big for Baby Bug anyway and partly because my plan was to use tongs and NOT my fingers for dipping in the dyed water. I used hot water out of the kettle (scary scary!) but that didn’t really stop either of us.

be careful it's hot!

It was fun and I’m glad we did it. I’m not sure where we will be on Easter itself so I figured I might as well do the fun part now anyway. I’ve always loved coloring eggs. We never celebrated Easter as kids but my grandma (my dad’s mom) would always hollow out eggs for me and let me paint them with dye and a toothpick. I’d do it all year around. And then she’d save them in her big wooden hutch next to all her fancy china. She had those egg cups just for my painted eggs. It was so great. I miss her.

green and blue eggs

It’s funny how a lot of my memories of her center around eggs. The way she used to make me “eggs and toast” for breakfast is the exact same way I make them for Baby Bug. Poached and cut up on small pieces of ripped up buttery toast. Not the prettiest dish but oh-so-very tasty!


I tried to do some fancy tricks on these eggs but they didn’t really turn out. We tried candle wax polka-dots, they fell off. I tried string. It sort of worked but not really. White crayon worked the best, but… well, I was doing it with a two-year-old so I didn’t really have high expectations. And of course they were mostly all green. I didn’t even bother making any other colors except blue and green. I knew they would all end up in the green water anyway.

Easter eggs are yummy!

Then we ate them! Well, Baby Bug did. I didn’t want her to but she doesn’t really exercise self-discipline very well and I guess they smelled like food. She cracked open my most favorite one and chewed it up to bits.

who me?

And then she spit the chewed up egg out again. That’s a toddler for you. If she weren’t so cute I’d want to clobber her over the head. She has no respect for my dainty egg artwork. Pfffffff!

Emo Bunny

I’ll leave you with a glimpse of the Easter Bunny. I know it’s a bit early but you just never know when those silly bunnies are going to pop up. Hopefully we’ll be popping up in Hawaii very soon. I think I’m ready. And with that I will say bon voyage for reals! Pray for me, it’s going to be a very long flight with a toddler. I’m very excited but I’m also a little bit scared.


  • barnmouse

    Well darned if that’s not the cutest Easter Bunny I’ve ever seen!!

    My mom and I used to dye eggs every Easter. She still sends me those little egg dying kits every year!! :P I think I might use it this year, though.

    Have a great time on your trip! Hawaii! Soooo jealous over here in NC! :P

  • Clownfish

    Have a GREAT time over on Hawaii!!

    My little Sis, Bro-in-law and kids (all 5) are on their way out tonight. This Uncle (& Aunt) are jazzed and are so looking forward to seeing them!


  • Busymomma66

    I love the concentration in peeling the egg!! That little pout is adorable!!

    Our whole extended family colors eggs together at grandma’s house–the cousins all love it.

    I know you probably won’t see this til you are back–but have a great trip!!

  • DeeJay

    Bon Voyage my friend!! BB will be a dream the entire trip no doubt!! Hey there’s one great thing about having her with….pre-boarding! Woot!

  • Jummy

    I just went to check if http://funmom.com was taken because if it wasn’t…you should nab it!

    BB’s pout is going to get her whatever she wants for the rest of her life…and that elbow dimple in the last pic is too cute!

  • margalit

    The Girl had the exact same bunny hears when she was 2. She wore then for Halloween and I’ve got such cute photos of her. Two is just so damn cute.

    Monday is the big reveal, btw.

  • Lori

    I’m a new reader and love your site – especially this post with mentions of your grandma. I too, had poached eggs and toast with my Grandma. Although the best was breakfast on the morning of my wedding…I ate 10 pancakes and she laughed the whole time! I was lucky enough to live with her during the Summer 2007. It was the best summer of my life and I miss her terribly, but I see her often in my dreams!

  • knitterykate

    Boy oh, boy! Does she ever look like your mom! The pic where she’s trying to smile without showing her teeth! Same eyes even. Have fun in HA.

  • BeachMama

    I love your eggs. I was hoping to do some this weekend, will have to see how it goes.

    Hope your flight was awesome and that you are enjoying a little bit of Hawaii right now. Will see you when you get home, with so many stories I am sure.