place holder posts,  travel


...missing Hawaii already

Phew! We’re home!

Posts to come soon:

1. SAJ visits a coffee plantation!
2. Everything you ever wanted to know about volcanos and weather
3. A day when the rainy side of the island was not rainy
4. What works and doesn’t work while traveling on a plane with a toddler
5. Toby’s birthday that came and went uncelebrated

I will get to these as soon as I sort through this mountain of mail that is cascading onto my laptop and pay some bills that are threatening to ding my credit because I was on vacation and didn’t do any paperwork for eight days. But I will put you before I do the truckload of laundry that is over-flowing out of our hamper and before I clean out the refrigerator of a few moldy science experiments. Aren’t you special?


  • Erica

    The geek in me is looking forward to hearing about the volcanos and such! It sounds like you had an awesome trip and I’m sooo glad!

  • Patty

    Yay! you’re home yeppieeeee…. it felt as if all of us went on vacation with you, we read your blog everyday…. and missed you. My six year old totally missed seeing baby bug daily. You totally make me laugh, daily, I wish I had half as much talent as you, and the time to blog….I have 3 children and another full time job….so it is difficult, but do enjoy your blog. Welcome Home.

  • Beth

    take your time recovering! somehow, vacation takes it out of one. i liked all the pictures of hawaii, it made me feel a little warmer.

  • Jummy

    Welcome home! It’s good that you get to return somewhere sunny…imagine if you had to return to a place like Canada… :)

    I look forward to hearing about the posted topics. Good luck getting the chores out of the way!

  • Kuky

    Yay! Home! Looking forward to reading your catch up posts. I was thinking about you guys today. We were at a hobby store and they were selling a tea set like the one baby bug has, that green tin one. They had that and a bug one and they both made me think of you and baby bug. :)

  • SmockLady

    Happy belated birthday, Toby. Mine was Sunday. On Easter! How close are our birthdays? I love March birthdays. I’d sing you my children’s favorite German version, but singing and German pronunciation before my coffee would not be appreciated. Trust me on that.