artsy fartsy,  illos,  Moody Blues,  Slow News Day

Gray Day

the frump

It was a very gray day yesterday and I dressed accordingly. When Toby woke up, he actually laughed at my outfit. I guess it was that bad. Of course I didn’t take that very well because I was already matching my mood with the weather like a chameleon. I hate it when I do that.

To chase away my gray day blues, I was reading Kuky Ideas. I just love her. First of all because she has a two-year-old very much like Baby Bug and second of all because she draws all the time! So much so, her hands actually hurt!!! (She sews all the time too but I can’t even begin to get inspired to sew because I just don’t sew like that. I’m lucky I can put together a lumpy cat pillow.)

She’s been drawing an illustration a day. They are fantastic. I feel like I should give drawing every day a try too. I haven’t been drawing that much on this blog because it’s so much easier to find a photo. I miss drawing though. I also don’t have as much time to draw as I used to but I’m not going to let that be my excuse. I mean, if Kuky can do it and she has a toddler just as mischievous as Baby Bug AND she sews, why can’t I?!!!

Besides quick rough drawings are fun. I actually like it when elbows are round and bendy in ways that human arms could never go. I like it when eyeballs aren’t exactly where they should be. I think the most important thing is to convey the emotion of what you are trying to draw and let the rest of the illustration catch up later.

So the above is my drawing of the day. Me in my frumpy mustard-colored sweater-vest thingy on a gray day.


  • august

    It’s funny because I will sometimes wish I could be more like you, more artsy and taking cute pics of my babies or doing more as far as drawing or something creative and then I read this and see that you do the same thing … compare yourself to other moms doing stuff you wish you could… Regardless, finding other mommies out there who do cool stuff can be so inspirational… thank goodness for the world of blogging. PS… you’re a cool mommy B. Hope today is a little more colorful for ya ;)

  • Jummy

    Frump? Ha! I love the yellow wrap thing—such a nice contrast with the denim skirt. And I like your drawings too: the expression says it all.

  • pinky

    I really don’t read blogs much anymore – most of them either make me feel inadequate or I just can’t relate. But I’m glad you linked to Kuky Ideas, because like you, she is a creative mama whose tone is immensely appealing. And even though I am not crafty in the slightest, it is always good to have a little extra inspiration :-)

  • Gingermog

    You draw beautifully! I love your packing lists too, all those wonderful, wee line drawings of jeans n things. You inspire me to throw away my wacom pen and get out my scratchy pens n inks!

  • Kuky

    Oooh yay drawings! How fun that you’ve decided to give it a go! :) I like your rough drawing. It makes me see I need to draw more with paper. I’m on the computer way too much.

    And I was so confused earlier. I noticed my Super Bowl drawing had more views than my usual pictures. I couldn’t figure it out. I just thought, Super Bowl watching people must have come across it. But I didn’t understand how people were getting to it since I hide it from public searches. But now it makes sense. You linked to me! :-D