Bug,  party party

The Small Green Party


Wow. What a fun day. I really underestimated how fun making cupcakes, getting some balloons, having some pizza with relatives and a bonanza of presents could be. It was a blast.

Bug just makes me proud. I don’t want to bore you with gushing but she is just a kick in the pants ALL DAY LONG. I think I could live on a deserted island with just her and be fine. Well, maybe I’d need an hour off every once in a while but really she is probably the most fun companion I’ve ever had. Sorry Toby.


We started the day off right with a breakfast of champions. Chocolate Cupcakes! It wasn’t supposed to be that way but somehow early-morning cooking and decorating turned into sampling. What was I gonna do? Say NO on her BIRTHDAY? I think not.

Technically today was the day before Baby Bug’s birthday but we celebrated it as her birthday because Gramma Pat had school to go to on Thursday, Baby Bug’s actual birthday. Gramma Pat goes to school to stay sober and we are very happy for that. It’s worth rescheduling around.

hard at work

Anyway, making chocolate cupcakes (from a mix—groan, I know) with green icing was totally fun. It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind but it kept us both entertained for hours. Or at least until it was time to go buy BALLOONS!!!

My biggest regret of today is that I did not get a shot of little tiny Baby Bug holding her giant bouquet of green balloons. You should have seen her face. She was in ecstasy. Her eyeballs looked like they were going to float up and out of her head just like the balloons. She looked like she was right out of a cartoon about to float away with the balloons into the wild blue yonder. Thankfully she didn’t and we managed to wrestle them into the car without a single pop.

I see a birthday girl!

Then it was off to pick up Gramma Pat and the rest of the day was pretty much a blur of hyperactive-toddler on too much sugar and pizza and presents.

full of sugar

a little excited!

Happy Birthday Bug! I’m sure glad you were born!


  • Kuky

    That first picture of baby bug trying to lick the batter? Hee hee!! Sooo cute! And the green everywhere, green apron, green bib, green cucpakes, green balloons, green shirt, hee hee! Sounds like a fun day.

    Happy birthday again baby bug! Did she blow out her candle? Isabelle loves blowing out candles and trying to sing happy birthday.

  • Starryprincess

    Gorgeously green,it all looks fab. But please please, tell me the secret of the American cupcake as opposed to the English fairy cake. How come U.S ones always come up over the papercase but keep their shape. When I fill mine to the top they spill everywhere and go shapeless, do you all use patty tins that are really deep to contain the paper case, so only the cooked cake pops up?
    Please help !!!!!
    Happy B’day BB.xxx

  • Carrie

    Happy birthday, BB! Happy Mom of a Two Year Old Day, SAJ!!! I’m loving the pictures!

    And don’t worry about cooking cake from a mix. I have tired on many occasions to make cake from scratch and it never turns out as well as a mix.

  • gretchen

    Happy Birthday bug! We love watching you grow up.

    And I know just what you mean about your kid being the best companion. I love just being with my kids. It makes me so sad that some mothers don’t realize how great their children are.

  • bethany actually

    Starryprincess – In the recipes I’ve seen for English fairy cakes, the ratio of flour/butter/sugar/eggs is different from recipes for American cupcakes. I think cupcakes generally have more flour and are fluffier in texture than fairy cakes, which are denser and more buttery. Try a cupcake recipe like Magnolia Vanilla Cupcakes (a good basic recipe) and see if you get different results!

  • Jennifer

    That sounds like a totally fun birthday! I can’t believe how big – or how gorgeous- bug has gotten. Congrats to the whole family!

  • Marilyn

    Happy Birthday, Baby Bug!!! I thought of you ALL DAY yesterday ’cause I knew you were having your party. (And, yes, that was a very good reason to have your party one day early.) I made you a little Flickr present…Mommy will show it to you. I hope you had a VERY GREEN DAY yesterday…and another one TODAY!!! xoxo

  • Gretchen

    Happy birthday, indeed!

    We did cupcakes for my eight year old this year as well – the jumbo variety! She wanted ‘marble’ – so I made the chocolate and white mixes, and blobbed them in the pan best I could. She told me they were ‘the best’ – totally worth it!

    I do love the green facination – the boy loved orange for awhile. It’s fun while it lasts.

  • jessicab

    Happy Birthday Baby Bug.

    Birthdays can be so much fun. It is unreal to me that my Lil’ Bum is going to be four in less than a month. She has grown so much.

  • bluejaye

    Starryprincess- Yes, we put the little papers in a ‘tin’ and only fill it 2/3 full. The cup cake rise that big.

    Happy Birthday BB, Love Auntie Jaynette

  • bluejaye

    Becky says you wimped out. The cupcake should have been all green like hers were. They were reallly almost too green. Check them out on my blog.

  • Oopsy daisy

    I think it’s an unwritten rule that you HAVE to munch on cupcakes for breakfast on your birthday, or rather on the day before your birthday. Actually, cupcakes for breakfast on ANY day is a good thing. Your cupcakes look as good as Sprinkles! Now I want a cupcake.

    Happy birthday Baby Bug!!!!! (Doesn’t it seem like she should only be 1 this year? Where does the time go?)

  • sizzle

    fantastically adorable pictures. of course cupcakes for breakfast is ok on your birthday! hmmm, i think i want cupcakes for breakfast on MY birthday this year. :)

  • Rach

    Happy REAL birthday today sweetness! I thank you for being born as well because you are ADORABLE and increased the population of adorable people in the world. That always helps!

  • andrea

    Happy Birthday Baby Bug!

    What a great way to spend a birthday, cupcakes for breakfast, balloons and family all around. I don’t think it could get any better!

  • Uncle George

    On your real birthday, happy, haaapyyyy! I brought her a big airplane kite and it is…GREEN! I even wore green jeans, belt and shirt. OK, I’m her uncle, but oh my god, what a wonderful creature she is…I think of her and just laugh and smile all day…so fun…Mom did “Big jump little jump”. BB’s face when she is about 5′ in the air…priceless. She sang for us, ate the cupcake “All Done” and hated my big black camera, so I got almost no good pics. Good thing her mom and dad are such fantastic photographers and share. I took gramma home and on the way we glowed with our love for her all the way there…XXX BB!

  • pinky

    So adorable! You are really making me look forward to this whole kid thing :-)

    (in my childbirth class they said we should have a “labor project” for when you have started labor, but it is too early to go to the hospital. I’ve decided my labor project will be baking blue-frosted birthday cupcakes to give to whoever is on duty at the hospital when we come in. I’m not above buying a little goodwill with baked goods, and hopefully a little mixing and measuring will distract me from freaking out!)

  • Amanda

    Happy Birthday sweetie pie! What a cutie you are! And what awesome pictures… especially the close up of the cupcakes with Bug in the background busy with a cupcake of her own. SuperCuuute!!

  • ang

    Green-tastical! Happy Birthday Baby Bug! You’re a green gal after my heart. (btw, my almost 2 year old already knows that mommy likes green, but she hasn’t settled on a favorite color yet.)

  • bethany v

    Happy Birthday Baby Bug! Not such a baby anymore … peering over tabletops! Love that one. And watching the candle … the eyes are fabulous. Glad it was such a success!