Bug,  na blow me,  Slow News Day

Day Twenty-three: Yawn

hi mommy

It was kind of nice to have a nothing-to-do-all-day sort of day today. I like to have at least one outing planned a day to break up the monotony that is our house as a daycare center but after the last few whirlwind weeks, I was thankful for some couch time.

I did take Baby But out for two walks, all bundled up. That was sort of fun. It hardly ever gets cold here, so wearing a coat and a jacket (if you call a heavy cable knit sweater a coat) is kind of a novelty. We poked around our neighborhood hoping to find a book case in the trash* but of course there wasn’t one. Nobody ever throws out a book case. I guess I’m going to have to break down and actually buy one.

I did happen to stop into a dog store that just opened near by and asked them if they would like to buy my last few paintings. They said no. I should be insulted but I’m not, thankfully. She told me she’d buy some if they were pink or had leopard print on them. I declined. I’m just not into dogs anymore.


And that was pretty much my day. Kind of a yawner. But yawns are good. Especially when you are a toddler and you conk out and go to bed a whole hour earlier than your usual bedtime.

*Yes, I admit it. I’m a trash digger. But have you heard? There’s a depression coming. Time to save your pennies!


  • Christina (in Mo)

    one mans trash is another mans treasure..soo
    If I still lived in Cali.. I’d meet you in the sticks (cause that’s closer to where I used to live) and give you my bookcase.. You could do a road trip and come to MO to pick it up!! :-)

    I’m glad you enjoyed your yawn day. I’m in need of one of those I think.

    gentle hugs

  • comfortablycrazy

    Send us the specs and Shawn will build it for you. His idea, all on his own, absolutely no prodding from me. He anxious for something to build and work on other than the playhouse.

  • bethany actually

    I am jealous of your yawn day. I have had a day-before-the-wedding day (not mine–I’m a bridesmaid and Annalie is the flower girl) with way more activity than I’d prefer for the day after Thanksgiving.

  • margalit

    Do you freecycle? I’ve gotten lots of stuff that way, and I see book cases all the time on our local freecycles. I belong to three different groups in my area, and between them all, I’ve been REALLY successful in both giving and getting stuff. Much better than craigslist, imo.

    Love Bugs hat. Did you make it?

    SAJ says: Actually, Baby Bug’s Auntie BlueJaye made it for her. She makes all kinds of cool stuff. Check out her etsy shop.

  • Marilyn

    BB looks like a miniature version of Tatum O’Neal in “Paper Moon” in that top photo. :) We find lots of stuff on Craigslist and I know some have had luck with Freecycle (I haven’t). But I’ve bought two bookcases in the last year at my neighborhood thrift store–one of which was EXACTLY what I was looking for (a match to an existing case). I encourage you to check out your thrift stores before you pay retail. Then again, if you can have it custom-made… ;)

  • Michelle

    Trashdiggers unite! I’ve done it too! I have a cool chair in our family room that I found in the Sunday night trash…it needed some love, so I bought some fabric and had the springs replaced and recovered it! Don’t sell Yellow Dog – He’s coming to Ohio after Christmas, remember :o) We had a yawn day yesterday too….I love those kinda days!

  • Bethany V

    ooh I love trash picking … can’t tell you how much of our furniture has come from there, since we moved to a part of brooklyn we can’t really afford :) unbelievable what some people pitch. big fan of craigslist and freecycle too, lots of deals there. and ditto the shoe-love. yawn-day number 2 here, so trying to psych myself up to make curtains instead of couching/napping yet again.

  • bluejaye

    I found a coat tree on the sidewalk the other day. Too ugly to have in the house, but will look great draped with purses at my next craft show.

    I knit the hat with circular needles and finish the top with a ‘star’ (ssk) decrease with double pointed needles that I made. Too simple to write the pattern down, but will if you want one.

  • Nila

    It finally cooled down enough around here for a sweater. I know what you mean about bundling up. It doesn’t happen often.

    Yay for yawn days. You need all you can get.

    Good luck with the bookcase hunt. How about some yard sales? I love yard sales.

  • Susan

    Yawn days are awesome…I’m having mine today. Sundays are always good for that kind of down time. Its actually cold here this week and its only that way maybe 3 weeks out of the entire year so its nice to snuggle up in a sweater. Not one thing wrong with a good “trash” to treasure find. I have a 6ft by 6ft bookcase begging for a nice home but I have yet to find something to put the books on that actually matches the rest of the house. So until then I guess I’ll have to keep it. I could paint it…right?