illos,  Shop Talk

Stop Thief!

It’s going to be hard for me to write this post so please bear with me. I’m full of emotion and not really in the right frame of mind to be putting sentences together.

stop thief 1

You may have heard that one of my illustrations got stolen and has been used as the masthead for a website that gathers news and helpful hints for mothers. It’s bad enough that they are using my illustration as their main logo and top graphic but they’ve also plastered that same image on every single cafépress item available. My illo that I created from my heart is plastered like baby throw up all over teddy bears and mugs and t-shirts. I am ill. I would never do this. I would never let anyone do this. It is sickening.

stop thief 2

About a year ago I sold this image to a company (who is NOT momsbuzz) who holds all rights to it. I am under contract to this company. This company and only this company can use this graphic. So what does this mean? It means that I have all the legal rights in the world to bust the mom site who is using my image. But it also means that I’ve been naive and an idiot to think I could share my work with the world wide internet and not have it get stolen. I have to take everything down and protect it.

I’m going back to ground zero. I’ve taken all my galleries down and protected all of my illustrations that were up on flickr. I’m starting over. I haven’t made up my mind what I’m going to do. I want to have a body of work up on the internet for people to see but I have to do it in such a way that it can’t get ripped off so easily.

I’m not a web designer and I don’t know flash so this is going to be something that takes a long time. It makes me sad but at the same time, starting fresh is always a good thing. I needed a redesign anyway.

MomsBuzz has until midnight tonight to take the image down. After that it’s war. I’ve asked nicely. I could sue for all the profits they’ve made off my image but I don’t want that. I just want my illustration back. I loved that little illo.

Update: A public apology has been made. It’s getting better.


  • Bethany Actually

    SAJ, you already know my thoughts on the whole debacle, so I will just say I am glad you are taking action. Even though it’s painful and will take a long time, sometimes being forced to start from scratch can be a good thing. I’ll be here cheering you on!

  • Meghan

    This has made me ill since the first moment I saw. I wrote about it the other day, but today went and revised my initial post. Where as before I was speechless, a few days have given me time to formulate my thoughts. Here’s part of what I wrote:

    “As for the blatant stealing of SAJ’s illio, I am stunned. How could anyone possibly think it’s ok to use an image that they stole on merchandise they are selling on their website?!? These people plastered her hard work on every possible item that Cafe Press offers, and it’s gross . . . I think her images are stunning and beautifully done. I’ve often thought “Wow, I would love to have a graphic for my site designed by SAJ!” so I’m saving my pennies in the hope that someday when I have the money and she has the time, (ha! on both accounts) I can commission work from her. . . Often times she generously creates images for people to use for their own private use, and I cannot imagine what a slap in the face this recent issue must be for her. . . The whole thing is making me sick, I don’t even want to write about it anymore.”

    If there is ANYTHING that you need any of us to do, you have a whole slew of SAJ fans who are here. Just let us know.

    SAJ says: Thanks, you. I knew I could count on my readers. I love you guys. You make it all worth it.

  • Annika

    I am so sick over this. Have you reported them to Cafe Press? Their account should be suspended at the very least. But really, I think the worst part is that their version of the graphic looks crappy. It is low-quality and their additions don’t fit.

    SAJ says: I’ve sent cafepress an email via their automated form but they have not responded yet. I sent it on Saturday, I figure I have to give them the weekend.

  • rebecca

    that’s always been one of my fears as well, putting my work out there for all to see. It’s such a struggle because you can connect with so many people, but you can also be taken advantage of so easily. It’s why my site has been “under construction” for way too long…

    I hope everything works out okay and that you continue to have a strong presence on the web. You’re inspiring and I wouldn’t want your spark to fade away…

  • Lee

    The Huffington Post links to an article about this topic from the New York Times…

    Meanwhile, the band Radiohead is going to be posting their new album next week and letting people decide what to pay for it, including zero. I bet they do well with it, actually.

    So – it’s a different world for copyright right now. I don’t think you should just pull everything down, though, SAJ – this is the new world, you have to roll with it…

  • Nicole

    That is horrible! I can’t believe someone would do that to you. Good for you for getting mad and taking action! Sarah is right … it is all about karma!

  • Laura

    Sadly, there are always going to be some bad apples out there. (Not that they don’t deserve to be strung up by their toes!) but it’s also important to realize that there are whole communities of people out there who support you and your illustrations and would never THINK of doing such a thing. I’m with the first commenter – the only way you’re going to make them understand that what they did was wrong is to take legal action and hit them where it hurts – the bank account. Best of luck!

  • sizzle

    ugh! how awful! i hope they get a clue and stop using your image. it won’t be pretty and it will be stressful for you to deal with. bad things shouldn’t happen to good people like you.

  • Jenifer

    That sucketh majorly! I’m glad that you’re fighting for your work but I’m sorry that it happened to you. You’re an awesome artist (and now that I’m employed again I can afford your work) but one of the sweetest people I know. GRRRRRRRRR to Mom Buzz! Double GRRRRRR!

  • Neil

    I know you don’t want to link to them, but you should here… along with the name of whoever runs the company. They deserve some bad publicity. I’m ready to mock them on my site as well. And some of us do know flash to help you.

  • kristin

    oh. mi. gosh. i am in such shock… as a fellow graphic designer, i feel absolutely ill with anxiety for you… i can’t imagine how angry you must feel…! ugh!!! i don’t understand how people think they can get away with that!?!

  • roz

    OMG…i am speechless! i can’t fathom anyone who thinks it’s ok to use someone else’s stuff without asking and THEN have the nerve to sell it!!! wow…

  • LVGurl

    Silly me, I thought it was obvious that you don’t use someone’s work without their permission. Art, writing, research… didn’t we all learn that in the 5th grade? I’m interested to hear their explanation!

    I feel violated FOR you. And I’m with Comfortably Crazy… consider me armed and ready for a blog assault! I’ll await my orders, cap’n!

  • Angela

    I think they’re mighty bold for continuing to post new content after receiving your request to remove the image from the site. Shouldn’t they be more like “Stop the Presses!”?! I hate this. HATE this.

  • Angella

    You already know how steamed I am and that I’ve got your back, just like everyone else…but I’M MAD!

    Let us know what we can do to, if anything. Big hugs to you.

    Ate there any web-designing readers out there who can help sweet SAJ?

  • The Chatty Housewife

    Wow, first things first, I LOVE your October banner. I am speechless at how awesome it is. Ok, now that I have gotten that out….I am so sorry about your artwork being stolen. I don’t really know what to say but I am so mad!

  • Shawna

    How sickening! I admire you for being able to hold back and to not totally fly off the handle and sue them for every penny they have. I know I would have reacted violently, immediately, and emotionally without a second thought. Good for you for giving them an ultimatum and a little bit of time to make things right. But shame on Mom’s Buzz for STEALING!

  • kathryn

    Do you read “Dutch,” one of the authors of the blog, just recently posted about the same thing. Apparently this website “Babble” has stolen many images from other blogs’ flickr accounts- images of other people’s own children!- and used them as mastheads for blog pieces. He’s an attorney, and he has taken this crime to heart. He may have some good advice to give you!

  • lynne

    Hello, I’m really, really sorry this has happened please don’t give up your trust and stop illustrating your website as their are loads of us out here that love your seeing work. Your so clever Flash would be a doddle for you to pick up and when you export it as an swf no one can right click it and copy it. I work with Flash every day and teach it too (I don’t mind sending you my hand outs for you to look at – but I think you would pick it up in no time without any help). Also the drawing tools lend themselves to your style and you can use the gradient tool for depth like illustrator. Infact I have heard the latest version of Flash is incorporating illustrators drawing tools, so it might not be that different from what your used to.

    I know when someone steals your work it’s like being sucker punched to the stomach. Much love x

  • BeachMama

    That just sucks. I am so angry for you that I don’t really know what to say. My hands are actually shaking. How is it that people still exist that think it is ok do steal others work. That is why I hestiate using flickr and stuff, not that I am even remotely as talented as you are, but I wonder if someone is going to use a photo I took.

    I don’t even want to go to their site to give them the traffic. But, if you need us to say the word and we will all go there and give them a little piece of our minds.

    Hugs to you!

  • Carrie

    As owner of a (tiny) communications company, I’m occasionally asked by clients to include a photo or illustration they don’t own in a marketing piece. The reaction I get when I refuse often surprises me; it seems a lot of businesspeople think of this as a victimless, no-big-deal crime. To illustrate the impact, I’ll now reference this situation. It sickens me that these folks are exploting your creative work, espcially given how generous you are with content. (My toddler loves your letters.) I wish you luck in your legal battles, which can be arduous. I know you don’t want to push them for $$, but you might insist that they donate any promotional items they have in stock to a shelter or charity of your choice.