C is for Cupcake, of course

I thought about just putting “cake” since that’s what Baby Bug says all the time when she points at the freezer where the cake comes from. Remember that chocolate cake I made ages ago? I froze it and it is now a very favorite treat. This kid eats entirely too many treats. But it’s kinda hard not to let her when I’m the worlds worst example. Need to work on that.

And D is for Doggie of course of course of course! We speak of nothing else around these parts because as everyone knows, SUMMER IS GOING TO THE DOGS!
If you’re playin’ you can download your letter C and D here.Oh no! You missed the free download. Stay tuned though. They will be for sale in my shop some day.
Erin from Iowa
First time comment. Long-time lurker. These are sweet. You have a very original style. I am saving them for my grandson. My youngest daughter just came back from California. She spent the summer there visiting a friend. I thought of you from time to time when she would call and tell me about CA.
SAJ says: Lurkers are always welcome. :)
Bethany Actually
If it makes you feel better, Annalie gets lots of treats for the exact same reason. :-)
Yay! thank you. My son is loving these! and Of Course so am I.
Seriously, SAJ, these are so very wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing your unique and adorable creations with us. I think the mom’s enjoy these as much as the kids ever could. I kind of feel guilty benefiting from your creativity – I’m sure so many people appreciate this though. So clever. So handy. And so stinkin’ cute!
Love these! So happy, colourful, cheerful, fun and useful, to boot! Thanks so much for sharing. Can’t wait to see the next in line.
We are the treat family for sure. I stopped calling the cookies and stuff treats because it is day to day norm for us.
Two more awesome cards.
shy Victoria
(that’s me, gone to the dogs!) ;)
andrea from the fishbowl
These are great!
What about Egg for E. Or is that too boring? Or an elephant holding an egg? :)
What about F? Firefly? Family? Friend? Feet? Flying squirrel? Oh, how do you decide? :)
Kate B.
“This kid eats entirely too many treats. But it’s kinda hard not to let her when I’m the worlds worst example. Need to work on that.”
I know I picked the most secondary thing possible to comment on here, but this has been on my mind this week.
I realized that everytime I eat, Ella eats, though I don’t always eat when she eats. So she snacks all. day. long. She eats ice cream with me, and cookies, and pretzels, all on top of her regular (healthy) snacks and meals. Talk about mindless eating! So I am trying to follow her eating schedule to cut down on snacking for both of us. It’s taking some adjustment for me, that’s for sure!
Dawn Alice Rogers
thanks so much for these cute downloads! i love your style. i am trying to keep my kids from being junk food obsessed too, and it’s so hard. best! :)
I, too, am a LONG time lurker.
I love your work…
I somehow stumbled upon your site & kept reading… I have family in CA (Mission Veijo) so I think that’s what hooked me…
Thank you, too, for your fun ABC flashcards…I love them & so does my son!
Question for you SAJ…what program do you use to make all the really neat headers at the top of your blog and the cute ABC cards for Baby Bug? I’d really love to learn how and do the same for my little nieces some time.
Just curious! Thanks!
SAJ says: I use Adobe Illustrator.
Thank you so much SAJ…I feel the need to be more creative with my blog and had no idea how to even start.
Anji Capes
These are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I’ve never seen such lovely alphabet cards. I am definitely going to print them out for my wee man, when I get my new printer!
Would you mind me printing them a little large so I can put them on his wall? They’re just so adorable!
SAJ says: Thank you so much for asking. I am so excited that you like them that much. I intend to create these both to be available as cards and as prints as soon as I complete the set. They will be available in my store for purchase.
Hi! Found your site from GoodyBlog- They said you want ideas for ‘J’- J is for JET of course!!!!
Love- your workings!!!