Baby Bug Flash Cards

I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner. Baby Bug is the perfect muse for me. She inspires me to make things all the time. The problem is, she also keeps me busy so I can’t make all the things she inspires me to make. But I figure if I just make one or two a day, I should get to the end of the alphabet pretty quickly.

Baby Bug wants me to share these with you. So if you want to learn your letters too, you can download the letter A and B today and play along! Oh no! You missed the free download. Stay tuned though. They will be for sale in my shop some day.
Photographer Lori
We need to get you a store to sell your wares in! After the art show, I want to set up a meeting with the yoga lady. I know she will love your stuff and want to work with us on this project….I am going to send you pictures of her dogs so you can use them in your designs. (If you still want to) More on that later…don’t even think about it until after the show! :)
This is such a cute idea! Why didn’t I think of this? Then again, I paid for all the artwork in my kids rooms and bought wallpaper cutouts instead of painting their furniture. Lazy, I guess?
Ooh, I LOVE these; thanks for the free download, SAJ!! :)
Lovely, Lovely, Lovely! I will indeed download and laminate for my little elliott to chew on. Thanks for sharing your creativity with your internet-friends!
shy Victoria
Oh, they’re awesome! Wow :)
Photographer Lori
I did tell you about the Yoga lady, didn’t I? I think so…if not, more later! :)
Breathlessly awaiting C. And H. For my boys.
These are beautiful.
So awesome. I am totally going to download these and print and laminate them for my son.
The Chatty Housewife
Those are so cute! Maybe they will be up on my nursery wall someday once we have kids!
I love the idea of putting these on my nursery wall!! They are SO sweet! :)
I love these SO much. I know how much effort it probably takes, but I hope hope hope you find the time to do the entire alphabet.
Oh my goodness these are painfully cute! Love them! I love the idea (Anne) to put them on the nursery wall. Too cute.
You have GOT to make a book with these. There are so freaking cute, and i’m not a big alphabet book fan. But I LOVE these. I like the idea of making a border with them. Maybe you can find out how to get them printed on that clear adhesive backed stuff so you could sell them.
andrea from the fishbowl
Awesome! So what do you have planned for the other letters? I respectfully suggest polling us fans. :)
SAJ says: Great idea! I was thinking of doing words that Baby Bug uses a lot…(simple things like apples instead of ardvark for “A” etc.) but I’m open to input. So what do you say?
What do you guys vote for tomorrow’s cards for the letter “C” and “D”?
I can’t wait to see more letters! These are awesome.
I am loving these! Great work, SAJ!
Don’t forget the lower case letters. They are the ones kids need to know to read. Your cousin, En, couldn’t recite the alphabet in order until eight years old (couldn’t see the point until she was required to alphabetize things) even though she was reading at the ninth/tenth grade level at the time.
You made my day! I was just getting ready to do something like this for Madeleine and man, you just did my job for me. And so much cuter than I could have ever done myself. I can’t wait for more :) Hehehe. They’re adorable, really.
Adorable! And I think c and d should be cat and dog. :)
Photographer Lori
Of course cat and dog.
Or cactus and doll.
Or cake and daddy.
Those are great! You are the most creative person on the PLANET. Seriously.
OK, I will be putting a copy up on one of the walls in the room where we homeschool. These great Alphabet cards next to posters of space, ancient Egypt, the middle age with knights and castles and bawdy women ;) Perfect to round it out.
You could totally sell these. How adorable!
C = cupcake or car
D = doll or dog (you could have boy and girl versions)
Hey kid, talk to someone in marketing about these cards. They are GOOD. Perhaps send the first five to a children’s publishing company with your pitch? You’re on to something here!
As much as I love, love, love your free downloads, you seriously need to start selling this stuff. Your talent astounds me and if I only had a teensy bit in my pinky of what you have I would be putting it all to my advantage.
Great job, the alphabet cards are really cool.
The cards rock. I wish Bug and Declan were the same age.
Hee hee! So cute! I was going to do this for Isabelle but never got around to it. Now I don’t have to. :)
Bethany Actually
Well of COURSE ‘k’ has to be ‘kitty’, since it was her first word! So ‘c’ has to be cake or car or something. I rather like ‘cactus’ myself. Or maybe ‘cousin’? Not sure how you’d illustrate that, though. :-)
Bethany Actually
Wait, am I imagining that ‘kitty’ was her first word? I am pretty sure it was one of her first.
C is for CAKE. It’s Bug we’re talking about. Kitties can be for K.
D could be doughnut or dog. But C is for Cake!
SAJ says: You called it! C is for Cupcake!
SELL THESE GIRL! They are fantastic.
SAJ says: You guys are starting to scare me with this selling it business. Pdf’s are very easy to manipulate and somebody could steal these from me. But I don’t want to not share. Anybody have any advice on protecting my rights to them?
copyright them for starters…google copyright and you will see how simple it is to protect your own ideas and products. I would still investigate children’s publishing houses/toy companies. Flashcards are big. But these illustrations could also not only be for flashcards but an alphabet book.
How about the capital letters on one side and lower case on the other.
My kids teachers have them make their own ABC books. Sometimes it’s part of a spelling test, or a subject being studied.
Follow the randomhouse link. Sometimes being the “idea” gal is okay. You can’t make everything yourself. Be the idea gal.
andrea from the fishbowl
There’s always … ?
Those are incredible!
C is for Catastrophic … b/c it would be catastrophic if these weren’t put into some marketable format.
You are my hero.
love them.
I want them all on thick paper and cut out with nice curvy corners.
Thank you everybody. I think when I finish the alphabet, I might do a real press run (yes, with curvy corners, OMSH :) and design a box for them to go in and THEN I’ll sell them in my coming-sorta-soon shop!
Such a cute idea!
I can’t wait to see what you come up with for M and X. Then I spell out my son’s name, Max. Or Maximilien!