Tis the Season

Happy Birthday to the old hag

fake flowers from Hawaii

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to Me Yesterdaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Bla bla bla… yeah I’m 35 now and I’m over birthdays. Not because I don’t like birthdays or I feel old or anything but more because I haven’t been doing much for other people for their birthdays so I feel like a little piece of poop if anybody does anything for my birthday.

However, I can’t help but break out into a big smile when somebody does something like this for me. How sweet is that? Not to mention, well sung. That girl can sing! I guess it’s her tradition and I’m going to have to sing to her next year…. ack! I hope she likes whisper-singing.

my birthday flowers

I also got some very pretty flowers from my friend Susan and they have been putting a smile on my face all day. I love flowers. Especially pretty ones with shells in the bottom. Isn’t that neat? I’m copying that for my next under-the-sea theme party if I ever have one.

They are so pretty they are almost helping me forget that I spent three hours at the car dealership waiting for an oil change this morning. THREE HOURS! I guess I should be thankful that I have a car and all it needs is an oil change but it made me miss my very important nap time (as in time for me while she naps) and I’m bitter about it. There we sat in the dealership waiting room, her sleeping in the stroller and me reading a magazine about 5000 fashionable things that I cannot afford to buy. Way to make me covet those things that I haveth not, you evil magazine.

What really got my goat is that they have free wifi at the dealership and there I was with no laptop. No book, no laptop, no knitting, no sketchbook and tons of free time. My purse didn’t even need reorganizing! I was in my own personal nightmare. I seem to have forgotten how to just sit and be one with my thoughts. Ever since I’ve become a “super mom”, I’ve become the anti-zen master of multi-tasking. If I’m not doing dishes and cooking dinner and feeding the baby in her high chair at the same time, while listening to a podcast from NPR, I feel like a miserable failure. I have grown eight extra hands and a whole extra lobe on my brain so that i can handle it all all the time. Apparently handling it all does not include patience at a dealership. I think I need to get back into doing yoga.

One more thing: Thank you for all the birthday wishes, here and on facebook, twitter and in my email. I’ve been pinging-ity ping ping happy. :)


  • andrea

    The flowers are beautiful. It is so nice to recieve flowers, then every time you look at them it is a reminder that you are special.

    Sorry about the car dealership, I hate being stuck with nothing to do, although I always feel like I should appreciate those fleeting bits of time. But I don’t, I sit and think about all the things I could be doing if I only had my laptop, a book, some paper, etc.

  • Kristine

    Happy Birthday, SAJ! Is your birthday TODAY? Same as Andrea! 07/07/07 YAY~!

    SAJ says: No, I wish it was 7-7-07. It was yesterday. Thank you though! :)

  • margalit

    Happy birthday, Brenda. I hope your day goes perfectly, your car runs smoothly, your flowers last for weeks and someone brings you a nice big cake.

  • Tracy

    Hi there Josephine….

    For your birthday present I am delurking to tell you that everyday you inspire me to do better in my own life through your words, your art and the way you mother and live creatively.

    I just wanted you to know that a stranger all the way in Connecticut truly appreciates all that you are and all that you share. Sometimes it’s hard to look up from our lives and see the impact we are having on others. You are very inspirational.

    My daughters are 22 and 18 and all grown up. Being their Mom is by far the best thing I ever did in my life.

    hap, Hap, HAPPY Birthday Josephine!

    All good things,

    SAJ says: Wow. I am honored. Thank you for de-lurking.

  • erika

    happy birthday!!! you’re getting the best wishes i’ve ever seen. you’re the best.

    and holy crap, OMSH can sing her butt off. what a beautiful gift and tradition.

  • Bethany

    OMSH has a GORGEOUS voice and she knows how to use it, that is for sure. Thanks for sharing that with us, SAJ! You could always do a whispery, Marilyn-Monroe-esque song for her next year.

    Sorry about the dealership and missing the naptime/free time. That sucks. I always get annoyed at that, too. I hope the pretty flowers and all the other birthday love help block out that less-than-pleasant memory eventually. :-)

  • Kuky

    Happy birthday!

    Sitting waiting for car stuff is the pits. But now you know they have wifi so next time you can bring your laptop. :)

  • Valerie

    Aww! I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Don’t poo-poo your birthday, it should still be a very big deal no matter how old you are. And I’m older than you. Happy, Happy Birthday!! Love to you!

  • Jennifer

    Happy Birthday! Sorry you had all that time and not tasking tools present. When I get all my girls in bed for the night (including the new baby, YAY!) I kind of sit on the couch not sure what project to tackle first, frozen. It’s a weird feeling.

    SAJ says: I think of you often with your three little girls. I don’t know how you do it.

  • Justyna

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Brenda!! Yay!

    Some one once told me, that his birthday is a celebration for his parents. He buys his mom flowers. His celebration is his kids’ birthdays.

    I think I’d much rather celebreat my DD’s bday than my own too!

  • Jamie

    Happy Belated Birthday! I love the flower idea…so pretty. I know what you mean about always having to multi-task. It’s both a blessing and a curse! ;)

  • Island Mummy

    You are SO lucky that your toddler will still sleep in the stroller!

    Happy birthday! I turned 38 a week ago and I was underwhelmed too!
    Your photos and stories always make me smile!

  • BeachMama

    Happy Belated Birthday!! “Old Hag”? Oh pishaw, you are just a youngster and even younger at heart. Hope you got to celebrate this weekend with Toby.

  • OMSH

    But of course I’d sing for the princess bride in her floral wreath.

    Happy Birthday. :~)
    Old Hags make great friends, no?

  • beck

    Hooray for NPR podcasts! Do you listen to Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me? Superman and I love that one. =) “Thaaaaaaaank you Karl.”

  • Susan

    Happy Belated Birthday…glad someone got you something beautiful. Mine was on the 3rd and it was possibly the worst day of the entire year. Being older or not birthday should always feel special. =)