• Bug,  domesticity

    yesterday she was a baby

    wanna taste?

    How does this happen? One day they are babies squirting poop and the next they are in the kitchen helping you bake cookies.

    turning on the tv from her new convenient location

    And then they learn how to use tools and wheel over their wheely bug toy so they can CLIMB UP ON TOP OF THE COFFEE TABLE!!!! What’s next?

    crying about something...
    Temper tantrums? Well, not yet but she does make her feelings pretty clear. No matter, I’m loving being a mom. Loving it more every day.

  • Bug,  Family Matters,  movies

    Wednesday is Mother-in-Law Grandma Day

    coloring with Grandma Pat

    I think Grandma is calling today (Thursday) Sleep-All-Day Day. Baby Bug wore her out! It was so great for both of them. Toby’s mom is frail and lives in a tiny tiny apartment with no light. It’s great for her to get out and soak up some happy Baby Bug energy. It’s great for me too because while they were running around the living room shrieking with glee, I was working away on my beloved laptop. Score! Free babysitting.

    You can also see why Baby Bug is so small. She takes after her Grandmother I think.