
Spring Break Day 2

In an effort to be out and about most of the day, I decided it would be super fun to have lunch at a local outdoor mall that offers all kinds of amusements besides just shopping. First, we hit Wahoos for a yummy lunch and then the carousel. After that we had to have ice cream, of course. I had promised Rapunzel that we were going to go on the big ferris wheel but when they told me Baby Bug would have to ride in her own seat and not in my lap, I chickened out.

It’s a really really big ferris wheel that gives me the heebie jeebies. I’m just a teeny tiny bit afraid of heights. Add a baby to that and I’m really afraid of heights. I want to be able to cling to Baby Bug for dear life. Unfortunately, Rapunzel couldn’t ride by herself because she isn’t twelve yet or 60 inches tall. She was very disappointed and let me hear about it all the way to the car. Then when we got in the car, she shredded the ribbon belt I had jimmied for her to keep her pants up just to let me know how disappointed she was. The unraveling of the ribbon belt didn’t make me happy but I understood her frustration. I remember being eight. Adults just aren’t fair sometimes. They always break their “promises”. I should have gotten over my fear and taken Baby Bug with us anyway, but by then Baby Bug was really really cranky and in need of a nap. So we all went home in a bad mood.

Thankfully, eight-year-olds get over their bad moods pretty quick. She even helped me go grocery shopping without any lip at all. We’re starting to have an understanding, her and I. When she starts arguing with me over something, I give her “my evil eye” which means: “I don’t care what you say, I’ve given my final answer and I’m sticking to it”. I have to do this or else we will spend hours and hours debating. My niece is the master debater. She will find forty-seven different ways to tell me that her way is the best way and my adult decision is not. It can be very nerve wracking. But I know she does this because she is just too smart for her own good. My “evil eye” seems to work. All I have to do now is point to my twitching eyeball and she shuts up.

When we got home from grocery shopping there was a surprise package delivered for Baby Bug. I hope you don’t mind but we opened it while she was asleep. Baby Bug was so tuckered out from the mall outing and grocery shopping that she even stayed asleep from when I took her out of her car seat all the way until I laid her down in her crib. She never does that. I think we just wore her out. Maybe it was all the debating.

So Rapunzel and I opened her present and had a little tea party. I just want to say a huge fat THANK YOU to somebody out there in blogland because this tea set is sooooo cute and fun. As you can see, we enjoyed it immensely. We had a proper tea party with real water and cookies and stale Trader Joes Pirate Booty. It was great. And then when Baby Bug woke up we did it all over again. Baby Bug loved it. Even if she was half asleep.

As a nice close to our day, we hit the park and Starbucks. The park for Rapunzel and Baby Bug and Starbucks for me. As you can see it was a triple shot kind of day. And even after all that caffeine, I’m still feeling bleary eyed. I thought I would stay up and get some work done but I think I’ll have to save it for tomorrow. Three shots of caffeine and I’m still tired at ten thirty. I think I might have to force myself to go off coffee again, at least for a week or so because it’s pretty pathetic when three shots barely keeps me up past Baby Bug’s bedtime. But, I think I’ll save the self-induced caffeine detox until after Rapunzel’s Spring Break. It takes a lot of energy to keep up with an eight-year-old and I need all the help I can get.


  • Alissa

    You’re such a fantastic auntie (and mum)! I’m sure Rapunzel is having a fantastic time hanging out with you both. Are those Crocs on BB? They look so adorable. I can’t find any that are big enough for my son and I thought his feet were big.

  • BeachMama

    What a fantastic day no wonder you were so tired three shots couldn’t keep you awake. Rapunzel is going to have so much to talk about from this Spring Break she will be begging to spend the summer with you too!

    And the tea set is adorable, how thoughtful. Looks like it was put to good use and so quickly. The fresh strawberries made me smile :).

  • DeeJay

    Wow, the tea set is even cuter in person than at it’s e-store. So glad it was enjoyed and is helping out with keeping Rapunzel busy this week. I hope you and Baby Bug are able to enjoy it for many years to come!

    Our old Hardee’s (Carl’s Jr.) building that has been closed up is now in the wee stages of remodel. It too will become our first and only Starbucks. For that I’m very excited. Their “girly coffee’s” as my husband puts it are the bomb!

    Good news! The doctors say that all pictures indicate that my grand child is definitely a girl baby. A girl baby that will totally rock out the skull and bones pink jammies! The name as of last night for my “Grand Bug” is Anessia Rose. Gramma is going to call her Annie though. While we viewd the sonogram monitor we witnessed her yawn twice and it was the cutest thing ever!

    Can I get a Woot?!


    SAJ says: WOOT WOOT!

  • Jenifer

    Ooooh, I saw the evil eye and I am going to behave. I promise. NO LIP from me. And, I’m 28.

    I love the tea set. Is there anyway I can regress in age so I can play too? I just don’t think that the boyfriend and my cat will be up for a tea party just yet. Do you have any tea rooms in the vicinity that you can take Rapunzel to? That would be a fun afternoon during spring break.

  • whoorl

    I was at FI yesterday at lunchtime, too!

    SAJ says: We were actually at the Spectrum. Pretty much the same thing though, except for the Big Scary Ferris Wheel.

  • Bethany

    SAJ, I am here to tell you that anyone would be tired after being the adult in charge of Baby Bug and an 8-year-old niece-com-poop all day, with or without three shots of espresso! Caffeine is your friend, here. :-) And think how calm and easy things will seem when it’s back to just you and BB!

  • jo's mom

    now you know why i am always tired and i have super chic too i am starting too get a little caugh up with only one here maybe i will get their easter dresses done only one week late grandma ladybug/jo’s mom

  • andrea

    My aunt and I always had the evil eye understanding when I would go visit as a child. It was always understood that if I gave too much lip I’d be sent back to the boring old city in a heartbeat.

    Seems like the tea set, park and starbucks trip certainly made up for any disappointment that was felt because of the ferris wheel.

  • Miss Mocha

    How fun! :) You didn’t need me after all. Your neice is so adorable. Maybe when I relieve you tomorrow, you can take a little nap.

    I probably would not have let the Bug sit in her own seat on that big Ferris Wheel either. Good move.

  • Gramma

    Don’t forget cucumber sandwiches…every proper tea has them. Remember to use butter, not mayonnaise. Cinnamon sugar toast cut into fingers is also nice. Please read to the girls…”Wind in the Willows” or “Three Billy Goats Gruff”…or one of my favorites: “Velveteen Bunny.”

  • Oopsy Daisy

    What an adorable tea set! Somebody out there in blog-land has excellent taste in tea sets.

    I thought it so odd to see outdoor malls while in Cali. We have one here in Indy now but since we had snow several days last week it’s not as popular as the indoor malls. Too bad we don’t have a carosel at our outdoor mall.

  • Emily

    You must look at your niece and think about what baby bug will be like someday. They are both super cute, and together they are on cuteness overload.

  • Jennifer

    I too have chickened out with my kids at that ferris wheel. It is just so big, and high and scary. My rule? If I can see the ride from the 5 freeway it is too large for the Baby. Both my kids still manage to be fearless despite my caution.

    The tea set is adorable. The kids are adorable. What a refined little Bug you are growing.

  • OMSH

    THAT is a beautiful tea set … Hmmm … I’m wondering if my girls’ American Girls need a tea set like that for Christmas this year. Will need to bookmark that.

    It sounds like a wonderful day.
    Good for you for mastering “the evil eye” so early. It’ll come in handy later. *wink*

  • Monica

    I’m probably going to sound bitter and out of place among these comments, but did you not say you wanted to save money??? By the day you describe, you must have spent at least a good $30-$50 during your day, and while I don’t argue that the day you guys had sounds fun and makes you an aunt anyone would love to have, my first thought when I read your post was “was she not trying to not spend money?”
    There are tons of free stuff to do in your area, have you tried the kids day at the museums?? I’m sure your niece would love it, and Baby bug would too, I used to take my now 3yo to the kids day at the Long Beach Museum of Art and at the Orange County Museum of Art… they are free and they provide the materials…
    There is so much fun stuff to do without spending a single dollar, have you tried that???
    I love your blog and hope I’m not coming across as bitchy or something…

    SAJ says: I actually thought I pulled off the day pretty inepensively. All that fun for less than $20! But then that might show you what a bad spender I used to be. (!) We spent $8 at Wahoo’s for lunch, $2 for the carousel (2 tickets), $4 for ice cream and then Starbucks was free via a loaded starbucks giftcard from you guys! Of couse we ate dinner at home and breakfast at home and that didn’t cost anything more than I would normally spend on groceries. But you make a good point. We could have packed sandwiches (which we did today on our trip to the Getty). It’s amazing how money can just fly away.

  • Monica

    Thank you for not taking my comment in a bad way.
    I seriously love your blog and feel so identified with you in so many ways…

    I used to be a spender myself. I had to stop myself about three years ago. Then I went on the drastic measure of going on a total cash diet, and now I live on that and have managed to get completely out of debt and have saved about $15k (of course in 3 years).

    I used to spend $ 400 or more on just food for my husband and myself a month, and now with my two kids we spend $200 a month only. I now live on a biweekly grocery shopping trip (which covers the cooking at home, bath stuff and a couple of extras like ice-cream to keep at home), and only have $20 to spend the whole week on “wants”. it’s not easy, but once you get it into your mind that you only have $20 for the whole week, you think more than twice before spending it. Usually now I finish my week with at least $10 and I use them to treat myself and my kids (well, my 3yo, my other kid is 6mos). So I end up using $80 a month on my extras…

    Check on the city website, they have tons of things to do for next to nothing, and lots of classes for Baby Bug for $20 a month or even less sometimes. You can also register in community classes in nearby cities. I used to live in Seal Beach, and go to classes for my girl in Seal Beach, La Palma and Los Alamitos, we used to go to music class, a toddler ballet class, art class and a sort of gym class, and in the four classes I only spent $45 a month…

    just ideas… I believe now that you can have a great time for free most of the time.
    Thank you for sharing your blog!

  • Monica

    by the way, I mentioned the food spending cause it still amazes me that feeding 2 I was spending twice as much as I spend feeding 4… I make my own baby food and I’m vegetarian, my husband is not.