artsy fartsy,  Bug,  movies,  Super Dad

Cameras Should Be Black

Everybody knows that Toby is a fancy schmancy photographer, right? So it’s fitting that I should buy* Baby Bug a toy camera. But when I brought this little blue gigham number home and showed it to Toby, he said that Baby Bug wouldn’t like it because it wasn’t black like Daddy’s.

So I did what I do with anything I don’t like the color of. I pulled out the Sharpie and started coloring.

But the cool part of this story is that while I was coloring (with the foul smelling marker and playing many many trick-the-baby games to keep her from my foul smelling marker), Toby made this really cool movie of us. (3.5 megs, quicktime. It’s a whopper but really good quality. You Tube version here.)

He’s such a super dad.

*This purchase was made way before the new “screwing-down-the-screws budget” we have recently adopted. No more silly stuffed toys will be bought for a very long time.


  • Marilyn

    I didn’t realize it was on a loop…so I just watched it about 10 times! But that’s okay–’cause it’s THAT ADORABLE! It’s too bad there’s not a way you could make it into some kind of flash banner on your blog. It’s very cool. :)

    SAJ says: Thanks M. :) It doesn’t loop on the you tube version. The quicktime version is much cooler (better quality). Baby Bug clicks her tongue to the music when we watch it. Hilarious.

  • DeeJay

    Bah! A stuffed camera is NEVER a silly toy! hehe I like how you improvise with Sharpies.

    Will have to wait for the youtube version of the video…finding my software a little like a dinosaur as far as quicktime is concerned and I can’t get Toby’s cool video to play.


  • Katherine

    I did what Marilyn did, great movie, love the way she is desperate to help!

    SAJ says: Yes, she is very desperate to get the Sharpie. She KNOWS it’s more fun without the cap. I can’t fool her. One of these days I’m going to find my walls covered in permanent marker.

  • Samantha

    I love it! It was awesome! What a fun thing to do – I love how clear it was. And you are INFINITELY patient, honestly.

    The camera is adorable. Of course, before too long she’ll want her own camera. :)

  • gimmy

    Hey, those photos in that movie were great. What kind of lens was he using?

    SAJ says: Some big honkin’ telephoto lens… when he wakes up, I’ll ask him.

  • Jennifer

    That must have smelled awful, haha. I love, love, love the movie. So cute!! I wish I had more pictures and movies of me interacting with my girls but I’m usually the one holding the camera.

  • OMSH

    That was one heck of a cool flick – way to go TOBY!

    Next? I can’t view any images on his web page though – I want to see photos. All I see are ‘x’s and when I click on he x’s nothing shows. :(

  • Jenifer

    Oooh that was too much fun. I had to play it again. I did a little “Ode to Baby Bug” jig in my cubicle to the music.

    What application did he use to put the video together?

    OMSH you have to download the viewer that is linked in the bottom right hand corner.

  • BeachMama

    That was really, really great. I loved the whole thing. All the while jealous of Toby’s camera and lens, even though I can’t see it. And how creative of you to ‘fix’ her camera for her. J loves to take photos with my camera. I hold it for him, but he snaps away. Baby Bug won’t be that far from taking her own too.

    OMSH, I can’t see Toby’s photos on one of my computers but can on another, I think it’s the settings on this one. I do go check them out often though, just to drool :)

  • ioi

    You probably already know this, but they have permanent marker ERASERS now. That would probably help out the mural on the wall eventually. :)

    SAJ says: I didn’t know… I will have to check them out. Neato!

  • jay

    That’s kind of mesmerizing. I, too, watched it loop for quite some time. It could be a diaper commercial. Or a Sharpie commercial. Or something. I like how the cat enters, yawns, and then peaces out to go stare at the sofa.

    So did that work? I know it’s permanent but I’d still freak about smudgies everywhere. How long does it take to set?

    SAJ says: While I was working on it, it did smudge all over my hands. But later in the day (maybe an hour or so) it seemed to set just fine. I’m still waiting to see what happens when it come in contact with drool.

  • Mama Knucker Hatch

    Wow! That was uber-cool! Make it longer…add more scenes! Encore! (Like you don’t have enough on your plate.) I wasn’t ready for it to stop so soon, especially with the groovy music.

    Just wait until Baby Bug figures out how to find and uncap stray markers. There is nothing weirder in this world than a black tongued baby.

    SAJ says: Heh heh, I can only imagine what she will do with uncapped markers. I shudder at the possibilities.

  • gimmy

    Which lens? Which lens?

    SAJ says: I know! I know! But Toby is impossible to corner for questions sometimes. He was out all day yesterday on a shoot and by the time he got home I was asleep. I’ll try to catch him again today.

  • Annie

    Cool video! Do you play the guitar, too, like the avatar in your new banner?!

    SAJ says: Nope. Man, I wish I did though.

  • andrea

    Great video Toby!

    Don’t you wish baby toys didn’t always look so babyish… I guess that is the point though. You’ll have to let us know if it remains black or if it rubs off as soon as it comes into contact with moisture. I have a few items around here I’d love to take a black sharpie to.

  • josephine

    Clio: I hope this makes sense to you because it doesn’t to me. He says it’s an 85 1.8 on full frame.

    The program he used to make the movie is imovie and quicktime.

    Hope that clears up some of the mystery! :)

  • Kuky

    Awww that was adorable! Wish it would work on Quicktime for me. I could only watch it on you tube (because of my older laptop). And no looping. Damn. That means I have to push the button to watch it again and again…and again.

  • comfortablycrazy

    Mr. Clean magic eraser takes sharpie off walls very well. If you remember SuperChic “painted” her bedroom after you painted it. She also painted her tummy, tongue, fingers, and CPK. So if, I mean when, BB finds a sharpie, it’s more likely to be another color.