domesticity,  illos,  Secret Spy Stuff,  shopping

What do you really think?

Yay! It’s time to vote. A couple people showed some interest in a “motherhood is so glamorous” t-shirt and that’s all I need to send me scuttling off to my cafepress store to make things… I love making t-shirts. One of these days I need to learn how to do screen printing.

I’ve come up with a couple designs. Which one do you like best? Or… is there something that I could make that you would like even better? Now’s your chance to sound off and tell me what you really think. Feel free to say that you wish I’d make this or that design on a different style of shirt… cause I’m all ears. I can’t do much about the price but you can sound off about that too if you like.


  • ioi

    I love your banner, so my first impression was: ‘I like number one.’ But… when I saw number three, my thought was: ‘Ok, this is realistic!’ In spite of liking the pretty-ness of number one, I’m going to vote for number 3! It’s perfect! You could even do an assortment of spill colors… as in, some shirts have orange… some have blue… etc.

  • Sara

    Oh, I like number 3 for a t-shirt design the best (although all of them are great!). But I think the color for the “spill” is the best. Most of the time spills are bodily or food related in nature, so that color is great for the imagination. :-)

  • anne

    I love #1 as a banner also, but #2 is perfect for a t-shirt. Though I do love #3 too for its simplicity. You need a poll…

  • OMSH

    I like your drawings, so I move away from #3, b/c I don’t think it showcases what you do. If it was #2 it’d need to be front and center, BUT you could do an image on the back in the center and then have #3 over a pocket or on the left/right breast.


    I’m just making things confusing, sorry. :(

  • Annika

    I adore #2. Selfishly, I’d love to see a baby boy version. Beyond that, I really think it’s excellent. I’d love it on a ringer t-shirt.

  • Kuky

    I like #2. #3 reminds me of paintball. And I agree with OMSH on #1 over on the side over a pocket, I think it’s the box.

  • IslandMummy

    I love the drawings, but for a tshirt, I like #3, especially as ioi says, with choices of
    “splotch” colours. (not into orange personally.

    Started reading you a couple of weeks ago, and I love it. What drew me in was the photo of the red shoes. I love your photos, your designs and your writing.

  • Writer Girl

    Your drawings are so full of spirit! Love #2, but it seems like you need a Third Thing — another responsibility element in the picture… maybe a cat or dog nipping at your ankles? Between the laundry, the kids, and the pets, most of the Moms I know some days wonder where all the glamour has gone.

    Can’t wait to see what you decide!

  • BeachMama

    Ack! I like them all!! But, I would probobly choose number two if I was buying one. Number three would be my second choice, and number one my last, but number one would be great on a notebook or coffee mug! Love them all!

  • Margie

    I agree with Heather. A combination of #2 and #3 would be hilarious… can you put one splotch on the back of the shoulder, and another near the boob?

  • Kim

    I love number 3 for the realness of the job title. Number 2 is adorable, but where my kids are way behond hip holding I couldnt wear it on a shirt.

  • Sheree

    I like #3, but the splotches need to be green….or brown….and runny. LOL And they need to be randomly placed (like at the neckline and on the cuffs).

    Very cute idea!

  • Abbey

    I really like 1 and 2. But I think it would be even better to combine them. Well…basically, take the “you” of the second one and add it to the awesome banner of the first.

    Just an idea…LOVE the tshirt idea!!

  • Laura

    I vote #3 but I would only buy it if it’s a black or other dark colored tee and is somewhat decent on a plus sized gal! I like to buy 2X in tshirts because I like em loose.

  • Pam

    i like #2 a lot but i think #3 might be best for a shirt and i don’t know how cafe press works but maybe you could offer it in a few different colors, like pink writing with a pukey pea green splatter lol i’m not a mom so i don’t really know want mom’s want but i was a graphic designer at a silk screening company for two years so i thought i’d through in my two cents

    i really really like the concept of #2, it’s kinda like super mom, which all mom’s are, if you decide not to use it for a shirt i think it should become something, i’d hate to see it go unseen, like maybe a mug would be cute, or maybe just a graphic for the site

  • comfortablycrazy

    I like all three, but the splat is just plain hilarious. My only request would be that I could get it printed on the back of a collared shirt. One with hand prints on the backside would be funny too, or even a droopy line down the back. You know the why did I even bother with the towel type.

  • jP

    A cat at your ankles and a pan in the air. A vacuum being pushed with a big toe? Now that’s mom juggling.
    I like #2 the best. The splotch doesn’t show off your talents enough.

  • Valerie

    I like 1 and 2, with maybe the baby throwing/dropping stuff? #3 is funny, but most of my shirts are already covered with something resembling those splotches.

  • margalit

    Put me in the ‘combine 2 and 3’ category. I think the mom looks just TOO well put together and needs at least one blob of blech on her t-shirt. And maybe her hair could be messier? You got such good suggestions.

  • aunt kathy

    Maybe you could stand on your head too? Just kidding. I really like #2 for the front of a tee and the splotch for the back. You gotta have something that screams Bren.

  • erika

    3, 2, and then 1

    i think no. 3 is the best because it’s an instant contradiction with the splotch and the words. love that!

  • Heidi

    I vote for number #3 (I’d personally want it on a black tee – in whatever lettering/splat colors you settled on), but I really like them all. If I had to rank for appearance on a tee…I’d rank them 3, 2, 1. I’m so excited that you are seriously looking into putting them on cafe press.

  • candice

    Could you possibly make the t-shirt in black, grey, or blue…White does not work well for this mommy (:

  • Shelly

    Delurking to say that I love them all. I love the banner but I love number 2 (we all know that motherhood is a constant balancing act) so maybe you could put number 2 on the banner 1 and then add a few spots of baby food goo to add to the effect. That way, you can use all 3 of your wonderful ideas!!!

  • Anny

    I think the larger blotch should be at the end of the sentence. Or perhaps on the hem of the shirt, near the bottom. That would be more realistic!