artsy fartsy,  party party,  Shop Talk

paper or plastic?

Which one looks cooler? I can’t make up my mind. Toby says to do both but that seems like overkill to me (as if overkill is an issue). I like the plastic because you can see the gumballs better but the paper is so cute.

These are just prototypes… I’m still working on whether to cut out the ears or not and I’ll print them on better paper so you don’t see the floppy white from the back. They’ve also been mangled by a slobbery curious baby. I might glue gun a paper tail on the back too… not sure.

What do you think internet? It is National Delurking Week afterall!


  • stavroula

    It’s so fun to share in the buildup to your B.B. party!

    I like seeing the gumballs. So I vote for plastic.

  • Chris

    Both are adorable, but I like the plastic, since they are all the same. If it was a jumble of different candies I’d say paper. But my vote is for plastic!

    Very cute stuff!

  • Momo

    so I might be the last to advice you…I’ll take my chance anyway…voting for plastic…no better for paper…plastic! no,paper! sorry…

  • Liz

    Paper! I figure since I’ve been reading your blog daily since Baby Bug was born, it’s about time to delurk!

    It’s been fun to follow you on the “first year” journey.

    Oh, and am I the only one just couldn’t wrap my head around Baby Bug’s real name upon discovering it in photos? Don’t get me wrong – her real name is one of my favorites EVER – but she just IS Baby Bug (well, at least to all of your blog fans!).

  • josephine

    Thank you everybody!

    Yeah, I waffled on revealing her real name on the blog. For right now I’m just letting it show in pictures, hoping that will keep the google-bots off it. I just don’t want her to grow up and have to deal with 2000 hits on her real name from my blog. You know, just in case she decides to have nothing to do with

    But at the same time all the readers have become so dear to me, it seems wrong to keep it from you all completely.

  • Paige

    Saying Hi! even though it’s several days after your call to delurk. ;) I think you made good choices. I cannot believe, on a regular basis, how crazy creative you are. I wish I had 1/100th of the creativity you have.

  • Bokker

    A bit late I’m afraid…but delurking anyway. I like the plastic ones. My gosh, you should be a professional party planner. If I didn’t live in England I’d hire you.