Beach Bits,  Slow News Day

foggy friday

Some foggy beach birds for a foggy beach day. Baby Bug and I are off to the sticks!

Happy Weekend!


  • Momo

    Today I read a lot of your posts…It was a great escape from the daily staff…This “journey” grabed my attention for several hours and it seemed do not let me gooooooo
    Congratulations for such a great blog! I mean it…

  • Kedge

    Here in the sticks, my daffodil bulbs and my narcissus bulbs are all poking up shoots through the dirt. They will be so lovely at the turn of the year. We’re going to make a trek to Ross’ today. The aunts need conference clothes!

  • Gramma

    I’d like a walk barefoot along your beach. Instead, I’m huddled by the fire trying to fix a sleeveless sweater that doesn’t have a head hole big enough.

  • aunt kathy

    I was just looking at your spy camera achives. Do you have an album with all those pics? The snapshots are going so fast, and I would like to spend more time looking at each one. You’re an artist–the pics are so interesting.