Bug,  Tis the Season,  travel

Hi ho! Hi ho!

It’s off to the in-laws we go! We’re going up north for Thanksgiving. It’s going to be the first big trip with the baby. I’m excited to share her cuteness with all the relatives but I’m scared for the long drive. Can we do it? I can barely stand spending twelve hours cooped up with Toby, how am I going to do with a crying baby in the mix?

I think we’re going to take advantage of Toby’s nocturnal-ness and leave at midnight so we can spend the bulk of the trip driving at night when the baby is asleep. This may or may not work. We may end up with a very cranky sleep deprived baby and a very awful drive. Who knows. Hopefully we’ll beat some of the holiday traffic at least.

We wanted to take the new sports car because it is so fun to drive and so comfortable to sit in but there is absolutely NO room in it’s itty bitty trunk for all the gear the baby needs for a nine day trip. Forget taking a portacrib or a stroller. We’ll be lucky if we can jam in all our luggage, not to mention Toby’s brother’s who is also riding up with us. (He has no idea what he is in for.) We decided that we’ll have to give up the fun of driving the sporty car on winding roads and stick with the good old faithful Eurovan. Ho hum. Parenthood.

So anyway, we’re not leaving until next week but I’m already plotting out what we need to pack. Phew! Gone are my days of light maintenance grab a bag and pack five minutes before you hit the road. I always have drawn out little sketches of what I need to pack (I’m weird, it’s just the way I work) but now I have to draw one out for the baby, the food supply (baby food, sandwiches, snacks for baby etc. etc.) and me. Thankfully Toby packs his own stuff.

In other news: Baby Bug turned 10 months old today! If you clicked over to see the movie, I’m sorry to disappoint but I’m going to stick to my new tradition of posting the monthly movie several days late.


  • Felix

    Have fun on your trip. Baby Felix did great when we drove up north in August. We drove to Sequoia and camped with her for a few days and then it was off to Sonoma County to visit my parents, then to Marin to take the fairy to San Fran, then back to Sonoma County, then to Mendocino, then back to San Fran and then finally, home. It was a long trip and lots of driving but she was quite a trooper – so it is possible to have a good long road trip with a baby. Enjoy!

  • ioi

    we found that driving through the night was definitely the best! At the time I was still nursing so I pumped while we drove, and just gave her a bottle. Then whenever we stopped for gas or a drive through (haha not really a drive through I guess) I’d change diapers and get the baby out to play. Good luck, and have fun!

  • aunt kathy

    Definitely go at night if Toby is a night owl. We often travel that way and if you can get through 2AM it’s a breeze. The kids do super well, which is a big bonus. I like it when they wake up and ask, “how many more hours?” And we can say, “two,” when it’s been a 24hr. trip!

  • MamaBear

    um, don’t forget the diapers, i don’t see them on your sketch… essential :) Just kidding, I’m sure you’ve got that covered.

    WHAT???? NO MOVIE!! That’s it, I’m on strike. That’s what I came for so I’m not coming back until I see the movie and it better have the “aaaaaahhhh” sound she makes on it!

  • Erica

    You will do great! Your idea to leave late at night is brilliant! I’ve done it with my child at that age, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it really is. Especially for Super Moms!

  • Kedge

    Weeze Turkey and I drove all night to Saskatchewan to surprise Shanny one year. I found I was actually able to fall truely asleep! While Weezy was driving, of course. A really good idea. Except when we drove through Yellowstone at 4:00am; dark, lonely, quiet.

  • Amy

    Love your lists.. Too artistic!
    Travelling at night with kids rocks. Especially since your partner is a night owl. Both you and babybug can sleeeep…

  • Jennifer

    Happy 10 Months! Good Luck on your first big trip with baby. Looks like you have all your supplies covered. I’m sure you will all have lots of fun. I love your lists. Especially the ratio of BB’s clothes to yours, haha. When I pack suitcases for trips the kids’ clothes monopolize the suitcase.

  • samantha

    I really love your lists – I was like, that is SO SAJ, drawing her lists! So talented and quirky! It’s a pretty smart idea, especially for those of us who are visual, so maybe I will try it for myself – even though I always pack far too much, and that’s just for me. I’ve learned (through friends) that babies need lots of stuff. I think the idea of driving at midnight is pretty smart, hopefully Bug will sleep happily in the rumbling van…

  • be good

    We used to travel at night when the kids where little. It works well but you must reliably switch drivers when you are tired (or pull over and nap at a rest stop for an hour if both are tired).

    Here’s the good part. We could pull into a hotel with a pool at 9 am, and get 1/2 price by telling them we would leave at 6 pm. Then Mom and Dad took turns in the pool with the kids while the other napped.

  • BeachMama

    I love your list, so much more creative than my actual list of words. Since we have had J we always drive the long distances at night. Hubby keeps her steady on the road, and I nap on and off. J and his brother sleep the night away and we are good to go when we get there.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!!

  • Hotrodhanna

    A packing list is a must! I have come up with a generic list that I print out before every trip, socks, toothpaste, hair brush etc. Then all I have to add is the clothes! Makes it a lot easier.

  • Clownfish

    You’re heading North and we are heading West for Thanksgiving! Chino Hills to be precise. Of course there will be a trip to the Magic Kingdom! That’s why we have the passes.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours B!

  • carrien

    Here’s a travel tip from one who’s been up and down the entire west coast in a car with babies, and no motel stops, (Hubbie is weird like that about just getting there sometimes.) You can breastfeed your baby while she’s in the carseat if you sit next to her. We always left a seat free next to the baby seat, and when the babies got fussy I would move there. You can keep your seatbelt done up, and then maneuver a lean over and tilt their head a little to the side…, anyway, it is possible. Then you don’t have to stop everytime the baby needs to nurse, they go back to sleep quickly to the rhythm of the car, and yes, by all means go at night.

  • Marilyn

    Hope you have a great time up there. My good pal here is in a new relationship and headed to Humboldt to meet his family. Hope it’s not too wet and foggy while you’re there.