• Beach Bits

    summer preview

    I took a walk down to main beach yesterday. It was the first time I’d done “cardiac hill” since I was eight months pregnant. Guess what? I’m completely out of shape. I was huffing and puffing like a couch potato. I had to stop half way up and “take in the view” which is code for “catch my stinkin’ breath”. This is silly since I pretty much take a walk every day.

    My usual walk is about an hour long and has a stop along the way at Starbucks. My “cardiac hill” walk is only about 30 minutes and does not include Starbucks. Guess which day I lost a pound doing which walk? Cardiac Hill of course. So is it because I huffed and puffed or is it because a decaf grande latte with three packages of sugar in the raw has a zillion calories?

    Don’t worry, I’m not really “dieting”. I know I need some of this blubber to be able to keep nursing properly. But I’m just a little anxious to get rid of the last fifteen pounds. I lost the first fifteen pretty quickly, I think that spoiled me. It was super fun to get on the scale every day and watch them just fall off. It was like I was on a magic diet. Look I can eat oreos and still lose weight! Rock on!

    I’m just worried the last fifteen won’t come off and I’ll be like my mom, blaming my weight troubles on having kids for the rest of my life. My poor mom. I’m always trying so hard not to be her when actually she is the most beautiful mother you could ever want. If I end up being half as good of a mom as she is I should be happy. Of course I want to be healthy and being overweight is not healthy but I have to stay grounded and realize that I just live in Orange County where image is everything. It can turn your brain to mush after a while. Moderation is everything.

    Anyway, my walk was beautiful. It was a gloriously sunny day with just enough of a crisp breeze to keep you from sweating. I love it when it’s like that. There were all kinds of people out sun bathing and kids playing in the surf. There was even a really old lady in a bikini with skin that looked like brown leather. She looked like she was about ninety-two! I guess she wasn’t that worried about skin cancer.

    Baby Bug and I stopped half way and plopped ourselves down in the sand for a few minutes. Since I only had her in the baby carrier and not in the stroller (that is stocked with the diaper bag that contains all), I completely forgot any kind of beach wear–like a big floppy hat and a towel. I tried to shade her with a receiving blanket but that was a sandy mess. I think some sand even got on her pacifier. I was waiting for her to make a funny face when she tasted the gritty salt, but she didn’t. I don’t even think she knew we were at the beach. She was too busy nuzzling around for the boob. Maybe in a few months she’ll get excited about the beach.

    I just got a birthday beach party invitation for a little girl who’s turning five. Guess what the theme is? Mermaids. I’m already dreaming up the perfect mermaid costume for Baby Bug. An aquamarine quilted lame (“la-may”) tail sack with elastic at the top to keep it on and a onsie with felt sea shells sewed on for the bikini top… what do you think? Won’t that be fun? If only I had my own personal seamstress living with me.

  • artsy fartsy,  Bug

    Scrapping Scrapbooks

    Remember the All Consuming Scrapbook project? The giant album of pictures I put together BEFORE Baby Bug was born? Back when I had time on my hands… Ha! I so set myself up for failure. (My poor second kid.)

    Well, I finally finished the pre-birth book and now I’m starting on her first year. If I keep this up, I’m going to need a whole library, complete with one of those sliding ladders, to store them in by the time she’s eighteen. I’m thinking some months are going to have to go by without me taking one hundred pictures a day. I take so many pictures, it’s crazy. I know it’s a good thing. Every moment is precious and I want to capture it. But where should I draw the line? I could put myself out of house and home with all this clutter!

    I probably don’t have to worry. I have a feeling this project will find it’s way to a dusty shelf somewhere and take care of itself. As it is, I’m finding it nearly impossible to write little captions and stories to go on each page.

    Everybody always asks me, how do you keep blogging when you are so busy being a mom? I guess all I can say is I do what I love. I find time for the things that I really want to do. Sometimes Baby Bug has to sit on her changing pad and kick for an extra ten minutes longer than she wants to. Don’t worry, I don’t ever ignore her. She’s always close by. Other times I just stay up longer after she’s gone to sleep. I don’t think I’ll ever quit blogging but the scrap booking… I’m not so sure.