• Bug,  illos

    the froggy in my throat

    It’s been a real challenge to talk to Baby Bug now that I have laryngitis. I wonder what she thinks? Did a monster replace her mom? Sometimes my voice is downright scary since I’ve been sick. It’s frustrating for me because I was just finally getting into a routine of sing-songy things to say to her as I changed her diaper and dressed her and did all those miscellaneous tasks that seem to repeat themselves endlessly. Now all those little songs are awful whispered hacking sounds because I’m missing half of my vocal cords. Oh well, at least I’m on the mend and for the most part she seems to understand my barking froggy-speak.

  • Bug,  Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops,  travel

    I’m just a Hick from the Sticks

    I apologize if you have a slow connection. I know I’m posting way too many pictures for one post… but the pictures say more than I can. There is something about being out in “the sticks” that will always be “home” to me. I can’t put my finger on it. I love living at the beach but sometimes I miss Hemet. Is it the dry desert air, the endless feeling of summer, my parent’s laid back sloppy style, the cars parked on the lawn, the smell of jasmine and oranges in the sun… maybe it’s the red neck in me but this will always feel like home. Maybe it’s true you can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl.

    Rapunzel and I picked all the lemons off my dad’s runt lemon tree. For only being about a two feet tall it sure produced a lot of lemons. I think it cross pollenated with another citrus nearby and that might be why the fruit looks a bit orange.

    I’m officially on a lemonade kick right now. Rapunzel really really wanted to set up a lemonade stand but we just didn’t get it together. She made some excellent signs though.

    We enjoyed the fruits of our labors and had lunch outside. I sat in the sun with baby bug and Rapunzel made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Now that’s service. Who needs to go to a spa when you can just go home and get waited on hand and foot?

    After some serious R and R, we loaded up my mom’s car with all my laundry and headed back home to the beach. Yes, I do feel about a thousand percent better.