
Little Baby Things!

Little Baby Things!

I’m going gah gah over all the cute little baby things I’m collecting. People are so good to me! This baby is going to be spoiled rotten and I love it! I love miniature things! I love little girl things! I am beside myself excited over all the little girl things. On a side note, I think my baby is excited too because she is kicking me every other minute. What is she doing in there? I can hardly concentrate on typing for all the kicking.

Since I haven’t had much to blog about lately, you know with all the working going on. I thought I’d just post a picture now and then of some of the most adorable things that have been given to me. The shoes you see above are from my sister-in-law. She knows I like little birds and they are perfect! Don’t you think? I almost wish I could wear them myself on my fingers all day. I’m sure they would really go for that at work.

You may remember me talking about making the theme of my baby’s room little blue birds. Because blue isn’t just for boys, afterall. Well… I was given some hand-me-down crib bedding that is so nice, I couldn’t turn it down. So out with the blue theme and in with the sage green. It has dragon flies on it. I was all set to paint a new painting to go with the new color but then Toby pointed out that the leaves from my old painting match my new color palette perfectly. So green it is.