• preg-nuts

    The Belly that Suddenly Showed Up

    I suckered Whoorl into taking pictures of me looking pregnant. The shots I take of myself just weren’t cutting it and Toby has about had it up to here with the whole “look at me, I have a belly!” gig. Actually, he’s proud of me. He thinks my belly is cute, he just doesn’t have a lot of time to shoot pictures of me. He’s too busy shooting pictures of houses and important work stuff (yawn). Someone’s gotta help me save up for that expensive bugaboo stroller I have my heart set on.

    I look like I’m trying to be sexy but I wasn’t. I was trying to hold my head in such a way so that my Britney Spears double chin wouldn’t show up.

    * * *

    In other news, I started my month long temp job on Tuesday. It’s so boring! It’s not really the job, it’s just that they don’t really have any work for me yet. So I just sit around and stare at my computer all day. I think I worked on three documents today and all I did was add quotations to some copy. Really taxing. Hopefully there will be more work for me in the coming weeks.

    It’s just really weird going back to work after working for yourself for a year. I’m not used to sitting around doing nothing. If this happened at home I’d go do the dishes or water my plants or blog something. But I don’t think I should start blogging from work yet, since it is only my second day.