
The Good Samaritaine

The Good Samaritan

Of course we had lunch on the rooftops of La Samaritaine. I’ve finally figured out what a croque is. It’s toast! Voila! With melted cheese on top it is called a Crudity! (I think…I’m still not sure.) We had no time to shop but we did take in quite a nice view. Also, at the top of the elevator (before you take some stairs to the roof) there is a little room with shadow boxes with little doll houses and people and various scenes to tell you the story of the man who started the big department store. It’s an interesting story. I wish I could tell it but just as I was about to get to the last window, our group was leaving and I had to run to catch up. So now you will just have to travel here to find out for yourself! Or maybe my mom and I will go back when we have some free time.

***correction (thank you Emily!) Croque means “crunch” and crudite means
“rawness” like raw vegetables. Ahhhhh…. so this is why I am getting strange looks.